Fencing Help

30 chickens in an 8x10 is pretty well packed. I have 19 in a 10x12 and they are pooping up a storm at night under the roosts.
Yep, they poop all night and it's quite a lot of it. They are free range during the day so usually are not in the coop except at night and to lay eggs. They have 7 roosts that extend the entire width of the coop so they have lots of room actually. The rooster and usually about 3 or 4 of his favorite hens sleep out in the run on the roost out there as well.
I gather the run is predator proof as well. That does make for a lot more room per chicken if they can always get to the run from the coop. My girls are closed in their coop by an auto door every night.
I gather the run is predator proof as well. That does make for a lot more room per chicken if they can always get to the run from the coop. My girls are closed in their coop by an auto door every night.

Yes the run will be predator proof, so theoretically I could leave the pop door open at night, I'd probably still close it though, idk...
If they all want to go inside at night, I would close the door (manual or auto) since that gives 2 layers of protection. If some just won't go in, not sure if I would close it to ensure those inside are safe or leave it open so those outside could go in if they wanted.
If they all want to go inside at night, I would close the door (manual or auto) since that gives 2 layers of protection. If some just won't go in, not sure if I would close it to ensure those inside are safe or leave it open so those outside could go in if they wanted.

I'd probably leave it open. I'd be sad if any of them were locked out. I plan on checking on them every night though, so if there was a straggler I could put her inside through the keeper access door even if the auto door has closed.
Remember, once they settle in for the night they pretty much don’t move again until it’s light out. Even if a predator did get into the run and takes a chicken, the others probably wouldn’t try to make it into the coop in the dark.

I really like saying goodnight to everyone and closing them in for the night. Since I’ve moved mine outdoors I’ve had to come in on the “late boat” ferry and couldn’t get to them until 11pm, I still stumbled out halfway into the field to count heads and close their doors for them. They did NOT appreciate my headlamp when I stuck my head in the door to check on them, much indignant squawking ensued.
True... I say goodnight and usually they cluck back a little. Contented, happy, safe noises mostly, and throwing the bolts on their doors helps me sleep easily. I can even hear my boys distinct voices saying “leave my ladies alone, it’s bedtime” reassuring me that they are keeping an eye and ear out for problems... like annoying humans or predators.

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