Feral Cat Problem.

The thing about being a human being is that we are either hunters, gatherers, or protectors. This is how we survived before we had cars, cellphones and so forth. At one time to lose our stock to other predators meant starvation or death. And despite having all our fancy doodads when it comes down to the nitty gritty human beings do not like varmints taking our livestock. Many of us will tolerate stray animals wandering by but the moment they eye our stock in a predatory fashion we react just like our ancestors. This behavior is in our genes. Now you have to admit if your pet dog or cat ate one of your chickens, duck, or goose your first reaction is to kill the darn thing. Fortunately, most of us won't instantly kill the pet but will take measures to make sure this doesn't happen again. Unfortunately, some one's wandering pet can be a predator, and us humans don't take kindly to anything acting like a predator toward our livestock. And just like great, great grandpa or grand ma we take care of the situation asap.

This is how our ancestors survived.... they took action to take care of the flock.

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