Fermented feed question


8 Years
Aug 19, 2011
Amery, WI WI/MN border
I want to try to supplement dry foor with fermented food (tried this once and they appeared to like it). However after reading through mutiple blogs, forums, and websites, I am still confused on a couple points:

-What is the difference to the birds on using ACV or Lacto (Buttermilk, yogurt, etc)?

-Has anyone had any issues with making their chcikens sick (spoiled food)?

-Can this be started at any age of chicks?

-How warm does it need to be kept? I live in the midwest and do not want to keep this inside during the winter. Would 40-45 degrees work?

-I was planning on using commercial layer feed ( I do have 2 Roos in the flock) for the flock (not babies), is this beneficial or do I need to add additional grains?

Thank you in advance!
I was just about to post on fermented feed. I have been trying the fermented feed exactly as directed on a couple of different websites, but if I don't feed it all on the day after I start it, it goes bad. I made sure that the water was at least an inch above the level of the feed every time, but it still spoils.
The chickens love it, but I can't feed it to them after it is bad.
I want to try to supplement dry foor with fermented food (tried this once and they appeared to like it). However after reading through mutiple blogs, forums, and websites, I am still confused on a couple points:

-What is the difference to the birds on using ACV or Lacto (Buttermilk, yogurt, etc)?
You can add a small amount of AVC to you fermenting feed, but according to what I've read,AVC doesn't promote the kind of fermentation that fermented feed requires. Aside from that I really don't know. Keep the fermenting feed covered with water and it will ferment by itself. It may take a couple of days to sstart, but after the first time it goes faster.
-Has anyone had any issues with making their chcikens sick (spoiled food)?
I've been feeding fermented for about 6 months and not had a problem
-Can this be started at any age of chicks?
yes, but don't start chicks on layer
-How warm does it need to be kept? I live in the midwest and do not want to keep this inside during the winter. Would 40-45 degrees work?
I don't think that would be warm enough. If it did work, it would take much longer
-I was planning on using commercial layer feed ( I do have 2 Roos in the flock) for the flock (not babies), is this beneficial or do I need to add additional grains? That would work

Thank you in advance!
WIxy-curious-how did you know it was bad and not just fermented? What temp is the room at where you are fermenting? Hearing others expereinces for me is the best way to learn!!!!

The most extensive article i have found on this and everyone keeps referring me to is: http://naturalchickenkeeping.blogspot.com/p/fermented-feed.html But I am still confused on the list above.
Thanks Trefoil!!! Do you use both acv and a lacto based starter then? I had made some with buttermilk for my 3 week old chicks and they seem to love it...using medicated feed. However, I was doing this on kitchen counter and it was attracting lil gnats. I am trying to figure out a way to do this outside/grage/shop etc...but none of them are warm enough. I may have to wait until it warms up here in the midwest to do this. Do you use the FF asa supplement or their only food source? And do you use peelet food or grains or both?
I started before I read about using other than AVC, so I started using a small amount of AVC with the mother (unpasturized). I feed FF to everything, using a ground chicken grower as a base, adding wheat, alfalfa, and any veggies I happen to have. In addition I feed layer to my layers, and they all have wheat available free choice. I have guineas, ducks,geese, peas, and a turkey as well as my chickens. You may want to wait until its a little warmer to start. I use the liquid drained off as starter. At 68 degrees, its usually bubbling after 24 hours. I feed it between 36 and 48 hours. Most of my birds free range during the day and their feed consumption is already dropping noticeably.
Trefoil thanks for the great input. So when you say that you feed it within 24-36 hours, are you reusing the same water starter and just adding more feed to it? If so, is there any worry about leaving some of it behind and it not being used up in that time frame?
WIxy-curious-how did you know it was bad and not just fermented? What temp is the room at where you are fermenting? Hearing others expereinces for me is the best way to learn!!!!

The most extensive article i have found on this and everyone keeps referring me to is: http://naturalchickenkeeping.blogspot.com/p/fermented-feed.html But I am still confused on the list above.

The morning after I started the fermentation process it just smelled like wet feed, but the next day it started smelling really bad. Like bad enough that I gagged when I opened the jar and I have a really strong stomach after working in a nursing home for two years. I would really like to understand how to keep it from doing that.

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