Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Hi, all! Mind if I chime in?
They make PVC cutters that don't cost mu iich. Saws work too.
I began fermenting the dog's food when he -who is a picky eater- wouldn't stay out of the chicken food. It takes two days for his kibble to ferment. I have not seen any bowel problems after two weeks. I would give him biscuits (if he ate them) bones or a rope bone to keep his teeth clean. I too worry about moist foods damaging his teeth.
Miss Lydia, I had the same problem with my drain bucket. I switched to a strainer. It still takes twenty minutes to drain when the ff is really wet, but I just don't know how big to make the holes. I would hate to go too big.
Hi, all! Mind if I chime in?
They make PVC cutters that don't cost mu iich. Saws work too.
I began fermenting the dog's food when he -who is a picky eater- wouldn't stay out of the chicken food. It takes two days for his kibble to ferment. I have not seen any bowel problems after two weeks. I would give him biscuits (if he ate them) bones or a rope bone to keep his teeth clean. I too worry about moist foods damaging his teeth.
Miss Lydia, I had the same problem with my drain bucket. I switched to a strainer. It still takes twenty minutes to drain when the ff is really wet, but I just don't know how big to make the holes. I would hate to go too big.

well said and so glad to see you! Really think its helped my lil pug Sadie. Her skin gets so itchy in winter. nothing has helped, even changing foods. So far, she is ok this winter. The FF, i only use 1 bucket per feed/animal type for a day.... the holes and 2nd bucket just didn't work for me. I have a 5 gal I ferment the grains in, that gives me the "mother" to keep the ferment going in the new buckets of feed. I have 2 days for each critter going all the time. The 2nd day bucket gets fed out and refreshed. Its really all about what works best for you.
What brand are you using? Sorry if you've mentioned it I may have missed it. I changed to Cosco's lamb kibble and find it better than the others that are on the market.
The reason that I ask is that there are supposedly a lot of nasty stuff in kibble **a lot of chemicals that I can't prononce or spell and questionable protein sources** and I'm wondering what will happen to the feed when fermented. I feed 3 dogs with one being a GSD.

I should add that I also feed raw meat & bones in the morning but not enough to make up a day's worth of feed so I keep a bowl of kibble available.
Very interesting btw.
I use the same food for my dogs. It is the best I've found for a commercial feed. It's reasonably priced, and I love Costco.

I also LOVE Costco's cat litter. No they do not endorse me. Wish they did ;)
Hi, all! Mind if I chime in?
They make PVC cutters that don't cost mu iich. Saws work too.
I began fermenting the dog's food when he -who is a picky eater- wouldn't stay out of the chicken food. It takes two days for his kibble to ferment. I have not seen any bowel problems after two weeks. I would give him biscuits (if he ate them) bones or a rope bone to keep his teeth clean. I too worry about moist foods damaging his teeth.
Miss Lydia, I had the same problem with my drain bucket. I switched to a strainer. It still takes twenty minutes to drain when the ff is really wet, but I just don't know how big to make the holes. I would hate to go too big.
I had the same problem and now use the strainer as well.
I had the same problem and now use the strainer as well.
If you have to use a strainer, you guys are adding too much water.

This is the size of hole I find works great.

Make sure you have holes all up the sides of the buckets.

This is what your feed should do when you stir. Water should come through the sides and moisten the feed as you stir. No draining at all required.
If you have to use a strainer, you guys are adding too much water.

This is the size of hole I find works great.

Make sure you have holes all up the sides of the buckets.

This is what your feed should do when you stir. Water should come through the sides and moisten the feed as you stir. No draining at all required.
I have my inner bucket out now so today I will drill my holes out a bit larger and add a few more.
I know I put holes half way up the one side, and was told I did it wrong. Now, we all have our way of doing it, and I personally agree with holes up the side up the bucket. As far as wetness, I have seen both ways on that too. If it isn't wet enough it spoils, and that it doesn't have to have a puddle on the top. I go more with wet, but no visible water on top (though I love seeing the bubbles. I can watch it bubble all day!). I too will give the drain bucket another shot.
My dog never pooped in the house or had loose stools. i do give her knuckel bones for chewing. She's 12 and has good teeth. i should take a picture. Most 12 year old dogs have problems with teeth. She used to shed all over the house and now she does not. Her hair is soft, she does not have that doggy odor when it i raining out and she comes in as bad as she used to. Now i hardly notice, before it was pretty bad. Her food is not water logged. Sometimes I take one feeding out of the bucket and let it set on the counter. If it drys out a bit it gets little crunchy's in it. You can dry it if you are concerned about crunch or water, that is what the dog food company's do.
I have to try it now. I have a hound that drops gas bombs all day and night and a Lab that sheds so bad I now have to use a shop vac, regular vacs burned up. My vet always pushes for moist food. She said dry can lead to kidney problems.

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