Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I am in the process of setting up to start FF. But I'm a little confused about what the protein content of the mix should be. I found the formula for figuring out the finished mix % based on the individual percentages and how many parts there are. But how is the % affected by the fact that fementing it increases the protein? What is the ideal % for laying hens? Right now I just feed a standard commercial feed, I think it's 16%. But I want to add scratch grains, or hopefully find somewhere I can get other whole grains. Any input is appreciated!
It does not increase the protein, it makes it more usable to the body. :)

I can't tell you what to make your protein level. Everyone prefers different %'s. I'd aim for 18% for my own birds. Some people like 15-16% and others 22%.

Hope someone else can help you with your other questions.

Oh and it makes 12% more protein usable.
Thanks.....do you feed the same ratios all year, or do you adjust them based on the time of year? I think I read Beekissed varied hers at different levels of production or times of the year. I'm in Florida, so not a lot of temperature variation most years.
Thanks.....do you feed the same ratios all year, or do you adjust them based on the time of year? I think I read Beekissed varied hers at different levels of production or times of the year. I'm in Florida, so not a lot of temperature variation most years.
I do not. Some say to increase protein in the winter (where Beekissed did the opposite). I just keep it the same. Always grower. If there is a sale on turkey grower I will buy that (it's 24% protein) but I'll 'water it down' with more scratch than I would regular grower.

I don't really have a set scale of how much scratch per bucket of FF. It's all in how it looks to me.

My birds are thriving, and at least 25% of their FF consists of scratch grains (wheat, barley, oats and corn). Low on the corn though. I really like my 4 grain scratch as it is not mostly corn as some I have tried.
I added some cracked corn to my fermented grains this time and tossed a couple handfuls out of just the cracked corn dry, you would have thought I was tossing out chocolate bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They really went crazy for that cracked corn and it wasn't even fermented yet. I know it's not nutritionally the best for them but they really liked it.

I've been adding cracked corn to my FF all along, 50/50. I am now into a 4 day ferment which is really being cleaned up. I'm heaping my 4"X30" troughs 3X a day for 30 birds in my flock (22 are pullets and cockerels). Also not being able to get ACV with mother I took some feed and some of my natural raw milk yogurt in a jar with plenty to water to cover and it is fermenting slowly (wish I had a bubbler for my starter). I'll give it a good 4 days then use it as a starter for a new batch of FF. I did check with my friend who is a chemistry professor and he agrees that this should give me the lactic acid ferment I am after. I'll post again after I have used it as a starter and it has fermented for 4 days. Oh yeah, I get nice size eggs with good standing yokes and whites that don't run all over.

The egg on the left is from my black hen, the other is from one of the pullets from our own hatchings.


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