Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I added some calf manna today to up the protein in my FF. I think, in trying to make it healthier, I may have lowered the protein without realizing. I have 18% all flock, and add scratch...but according to the math that lowers my protein way too much. I'm going to keep the protein up for a while, then try to even it back to 18-20%. I might stop adding the scratch all together, and just do the pellets FF, and then maybe ferment the scratch, not really sure yet. I've also started adding alfalfa pellets, since they aren't getting much greens right now. Can't wait for spring to get here!
My FF has been "cooking" more than a week, and still no bubbles.... I moved it next to the woodstove, so it has to be at least 70 (because I plopped it right in front of the blower) and still nothing. I added more ACV, still nothing. What am I doing wrong??

This is my bucket setup, made from stuff I had lying around.... Normally I keep it covered with the towel to keep debris/children out of it. As you can see, no bubbles, no scum on the top. I stir and feed twice a day, add new feed after the second feeding and stir again.... should I just continue waiting, or will the whole grains not foam and bubble?? I know it's not going bad, because it doesn't smell rotten... but neither does it seem to be fermenting like the other people's on this thread.... HELP!!!
I wonder if the old paint on the inside of the bucket could be messing things up? If it's latex paint it will come off the sides if left full of water for a little while.
I wonder if the old paint on the inside of the bucket could be messing things up? If it's latex paint it will come off the sides if left full of water for a little while.
**snickers** OMG, I hadn't even looked at the bloody bucket. I am beginning to wonder at myself. Good catch, Bleenie.
Here's another question. I have a peas & lentils mix that I picked up from my grain supplier. Does anyone else use lentils? They seem to cook just as well as the rest of the feed.
Here's another question. I have a peas & lentils mix that I picked up from my grain supplier. Does anyone else use lentils? They seem to cook just as well as the rest of the feed.
I use lentils in my mix. I've used split peas, as well - though not as often. They are well accepted by my flock.
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Wonderful... I was happy to find the mix. $10 for a 50 lbs bag.
As lentils are 30% protein so you can mix with cheaper, low protein feed I presume.

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