Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Just doin' your part!

Our neighbor likes the idea of women being helpless and it clearly irritates him when Ma and I are running the chainsaw, woodsplitter, mower and weedeater all around the seasons. I think he had this picture of him being the man of this holler and that we would call him when we needed something heavy moved or if we broke a nail.
I'm helping our neighbor from New Jersey adapt to country life and his aversion to roosters crowing by placing more roosters on my property than I had previously so that he can get used to the noise.  See, it's all about bein' neighborly and helpful to turn these city folks around and help them get used to country life.  I take it as a personal challenge and a duty to help them when I can.  :cool:   Just bein' neighborly.....  Sure wish I could teach ol' Jake to bark more so we could help him with that little problem as well. 
Ha, ha! Hilarious Bee! My Jake is out there right now, barking up a storm! The coyotes must be near hunting for their supper.
There are a few Patterdale breeders in Texas!

QUESTiON: Breeders/owners. Do any of you 'eliminate' cocks/cockerels that show human aggression? I do not. I don't encourage it but I don't dispatch a bird for it.

Case in point...In this batch of new birds, I have two 'special' cockerels...Both are excellent examples of the breed (Turken) in my opinion, for my purposes and for those who like color, they are both very attractively adorned.

One is a pussy cat and virtually a pet, the other is very dominant in every way EXCEPT, he's not aggressive to other cockerels that stay out of his way and he is acting very mature for his age of 6+ months. He also challenges me at every opportunity. This is not a problem for me because I simply ignore him, let him do his job and go on about my business and allow him to do his. He is the kind of bird I want to keep an eye on the gals...If all goes well, he will end up in a cock station.

Opinions Please.
i cull an aggressive rooster quick. i will try some tactics first. like my foot and football. if after 3 tries . bingo done . finished.
Spoken like a true West Virginian! Sorry...but the world is encroaching on our world here in the mountains and it's name is "city folk". They don't know the old rules of tooth and claw and they will stomp all over your rights to turn the countryside into what they want it to be, irregardless of how you feel about it. It's sad but it's happening nonetheless, as the yuppies move onto the old farms and what used to be farm kids play on their cell phones and want to live in town. We are dinosaurs soon to be extinct.
now bee. as you know i raised in a big city. however that was along time ago. i remember as a kid. running to end of the street. where the harbor met the road. for the watermelon boats to come in.
then you got to go to the chicken store and get a chicken from mr. hoffman. that was a time before all the spoiled rotten people of today in fancy suit and ties. i was proud to grow up in baltimore. today i will not go there unless i have to.
i love the country. oh and by the way i will shoot ya quick you dare try to destroy my property.
Too obvious. That's how men handle things...go big or go home.

Us women? It's all about the slow drip of daily annoyances that build into a crescendo of irritation.... but really cannot be called doing anything wrong. Like roosters. Or killing more deer in the deer season than they can no matter how many of their city folk buddies they import to trample the woods. It's that slow, steady salt in the wound that I like to apply that lets them know each and every day that this area is MY territory and if you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch and scratch fleas. City dogs are for holdin' down the couch and us old country dogs own the holler...and they need to be reminded of it in a thousand little ways every time they wake up in the morning.

Multi quote isn't working tonight.

Anyway, you are sure cracking me up Bee! You are so very neighborly. I hope you don't have any neighbors like I had before I moved here. I was there first and how many times do you think he had us in court over our chickens?

Too many!

Wish I could have handled it like you and laughed it off but he was a royal pain!
Multi quote isn't working tonight.

Anyway, you are sure cracking me up Bee! You are so very neighborly. I hope you don't have any neighbors like I had before I moved here. I was there first and how many times do you think he had us in court over our chickens?

Too many!

Wish I could have handled it like you and laughed it off but he was a royal pain!

In court over your kids??? What? Were they too loud?
My nearest neighbor is more than a mile away....I don't think I could live near people.

About 30 years ago, my dad got into a financial bind and considered selling about 25 acres down near the bottom part of the farm that fronted the secondary road. Mom pitched a b**** and he took out a loan, using the farm. It was paid back in 4 years but if he had chosen to sell then, I would have sold the rest as soon as it was passed to me. My gravel drive is almost a mile, leading from the secondary road and from there, it's about .75 miles to 219/250 South.

I'm near enough to town to be there in 25 minutes if I get on it and my gravel drive ends at my back door. There's no reason for anyone to 'appear' there, unless they are truly lost and I have 'cured' the usual folks that want to sell their ideas or anything else.
I will now tell something on myself. A couple representatives of 'sellers of little books' did appear at my door twice. I was rude and perhaps crude the first time. They had the nerve to show up again about a month or so later. This was a middle aged couple. . I hope and believe I gave them the cure by immediately showing the 'full moon', all of it...even the face of Willie Nelson.

They haven't been back...

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