Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

This is good.  I'm going to  be making it with comfrey.  Once I get my comfrey up and running.  It wintered good and is starting to put out.   Thank God. 

I haven't done FPJ yet but I was thinking about comfrey too. I bet that would be some good stuff. I've got to get some comfrey. I know there has got to be some right here somewhere but I'm not sure where. I've probably been cutting it down...ahh. I wonder how kudzu would be. He mentions that. Thank God I don't have any of that but you don't have to go too far to find some. I wonder... there are people using "hemp oil" as a treatment for cancer among other things. I wondeer if fermented marijuana would have the same results. The info on hemp oil is pretty interesting. (The website is "Phoenix Tears".) Recently a couple of research hospitals have got permission to research hemp oil. They were saying that it helps kids that suffer from seizures.
I haven't done FPJ yet but I was thinking about comfrey too. I bet that would be some good stuff. I've got to get some comfrey. I know there has got to be some right here somewhere but I'm not sure where. I've probably been cutting it down...ahh. I wonder how kudzu would be. He mentions that. Thank God I don't have any of that but you don't have to go too far to find some. I wonder... there are people using "hemp oil" as a treatment for cancer among other things. I wondeer if fermented marijuana would have the same results. The info on hemp oil is pretty interesting. (The website is "Phoenix Tears".) Recently a couple of research hospitals have got permission to research hemp oil. They were saying that it helps kids that suffer from seizures.

That is most interesting. I have a daughter that got seizures about 10 yrs ago from a medication. After she got off it, they didn't go away. She's 38 now and can't drive for 6 mo because once again she had tried to get off her seizure medicine. Lasted for almost a year before she had another one. Pretty much wrecked her life. Original car wreck gave her such severe back pain and migraines that she was on a lot of medication. Now she can't take a lot of it but still has the migraines. Poor sugar, her life turned upside down when she pulled out in front of a car.

I'm not going to do the brown sugar thing with my comfrey. It can be done 2 ways. Press it dry and weight it down in a jug. Or add a lot of water to another jug and let sit for 2 weeks. This man did not tell you that this is the most stinky stuff EVER. Put the jug as far away from the house as you can.
That is most interesting.  I have a daughter that got seizures about 10 yrs ago from a medication.  After she got off it, they didn't go away.  She's 38 now and can't drive for 6 mo because once again she had tried to get off her seizure medicine.  Lasted for almost a year before she had another one.  Pretty much wrecked her life.  Original car wreck gave her such severe back pain and migraines that she was on a lot of medication.  Now she can't take a lot of it but still has the migraines.  Poor sugar, her life turned upside down when she pulled out in front of a car. 

I'm not going to do the brown sugar thing with my comfrey.  It can be done 2 ways.   Press it dry and weight it down in a jug. Or add a lot of water to another jug and let sit for 2 weeks.  This man did not tell you that this is the most stinky stuff EVER.  Put the jug as far away from the house as you can.  :gig

I don't doubt it, some "weeds" are really stinky. lol Wow, your poor daughter has been through it. Things can happen so fast and change your life forever. I don't know, hemp oil might help her with the pain and the seizures. I have friends that swear by it for pain. Any use of marijuana freaks a lot of people out. Of course a lot of people do use it in the wrong way but I do believe it has a lot of medical uses. It is bad that people miss out on its medical qualities because of those that just use it to get high and act stupid.
I don't doubt it, some "weeds" are really stinky. lol Wow, your poor daughter has been through it. Things can happen so fast and change your life forever. I don't know, hemp oil might help her with the pain and the seizures. I have friends that swear by it for pain. Any use of marijuana freaks a lot of people out. Of course a lot of people do use it in the wrong way but I do believe it has a lot of medical uses. It is bad that people miss out on its medical qualities because of those that just use it to get high and act stupid.

M does help but it so very frowned upon down here. I wish that it could be legalized for medical reasons. Backward state.
I will check out hemp oil.

I just checked out Amazon $12.69 shipped free with my prime for 24 oz. It says to use in sauces and smoothies. I thought you were supposed to run it on.
The featured story about raising CX for meat - the truth, shows what you have been saying all along. It's true the CX can be active, I have 4 that I had not planned on getting but saw them in the feed store then when I brought them home n read the reviews I was disappointed, I have been reading and watching the videos you post about them and watching mine n I'm not seeing what most people say about them. Yes they eat a lot, but they also grow faster, they are as active as my others n get on the roost bar just like the others. Mine don't just sit in their poop. After I process and see how they taste, I think I'll get some more which I would not have considered if you had not kept clearing the misconception that most people have about them.

If you haven't read the featured story yet, I think you might enjoyed it. Later I might post my pics of the CX free ranging hoping to get some pics today.

I've read that story!
I think I inspired it...not sure. Used to on this forum folks would imply you were lying if you said CX could free range actively...most of those who laughed or implied this were men who raised them in pens or tractors. Then the women would swear they were Frankenchickens and they didn't want to ever raise them again because they were stinky and lazy and too much work. So I decided seeing is believing and I had already raised one batch on free range, so I got a larger batch and also decided to experiment with fermenting their feed...couldn't find any info on how to do that and could only find studies in foreign countries on some commercial groups doing it large scale.

Thus the video of CX ranging, flying, roosting, running came to be and also the birth of two FF threads and then the FF craze spread like wildfire after folks saw these threads. Now there are hundreds of thousands of hits on FF on the web when just a couple of years ago I couldn't find any.

And that's the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say.....
M does help but it so very frowned upon down here.  I wish that it could be legalized for medical reasons.  Backward state.   :plbb     I will check out hemp oil.

I just checked out Amazon  $12.69 shipped free with my prime for 24 oz.  It says to use in sauces and smoothies.  I thought you were supposed to run it on.    :gig

Oh yeah I know what you mean. It is frowned upon here too. There must be something to the medical aspects of it or it's use wouldn't have already been passed in so many states. Check out the Phoenix Tears website. Very interesting.
I've read that story!  :D    I think I inspired it...not sure.  Used to on this forum folks would imply you were lying if you said CX could free range actively...most of those who laughed or implied this were men who raised them in pens or tractors.  Then the women would swear they were Frankenchickens and they didn't want to ever raise them again because they were stinky and lazy and too much work.  So I decided seeing is believing and I had already raised one batch on free range, so I got a larger batch and also decided to experiment with fermenting their feed...couldn't find any info on how to do that and could only find studies in foreign countries on some commercial groups doing it large scale.

Thus the video of CX ranging, flying, roosting, running came to be and also the birth of two FF threads and then the FF craze spread like wildfire after folks saw these threads.  Now there are hundreds of thousands of hits on FF on the web when just a couple of years ago I couldn't find any. 

And that's the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say..... 

And that along with 30+ years of "chicken experience" why SOMEBODY ought to be writing a book! :)
Very cool video!
thanks for re-posting.

Hi guys

I started reading this thread at page one - am currently on post 5099 (I am either methodical or anal - take your pick
) where PetRock posted a video on Korean natural farming/making LAB she got the link from another member on here I believe.

I've just watched this video - and its blown my mind

I am going to stop typing now - and start my very first batch of LAB. It is a probiotic, smell killer, soil enhancer, plant friend, animal friend, killer of salmonella and e-coli - the list goes on and on.

How did I get to be 63 years of age and not know about this before now???????????

Can I please thank the original poster of this fantastic bit of invaluable informative video
Just watched the video!! I'm with you x10!!! I saved this in my bookmarks for referral. I'm going to start this asap!
Beekissed, I want you to watch something. I know you like your saw. This is Angelicisi in La.

We used our sawsall for something similar. We were butchering a heifer in the back yard and were not looking forward to sawing through the legs with a hacksaw like we do for deer, so one of the boys suggested the sawsall and our butchering skills went up several notches from that time forward!

Why in the world were they sawing a turkey in half?

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