Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I agree I need more. A great excuse to drink more Coke Zero!!! Lol!
Dark sodas have burnt caramel for coloring, darlin', and it is carcinogenic. We Get Squirt, Sprite, Sierra Mist, my wife drinks Mountain Dew, ginger ale, 7Up, etc.

Be safe, don't drink dark sodas. Be happy and healthy.

Or drink water...even better! I agree about the caramel coloring...was engaged to a fella that worked in a bakery, where the "whole wheat" bread they made was just white flour bread that had been colored with the caramel coloring. They had to wear white uniforms and when that caramel coloring got on their clothing, shoes, or even the floor there was no way to get it out. It stained it so thoroughly that no caustic cleaner available could remove the stains...imagine what it does to the inside of the body? Ick.
If only water came in 2 liter bottles... Well, I guess I'll have to check out some diet Sierra Mist!

We have a PüR water filter on our kitchen faucet and we use that water to fill 20oz. Squirt bottles and 2 liter ginger ale and 7Up bottles when we empty them. We don't pay for bottles of water in the store. We filter our own with the 3 stage filters.
Speaking of filters, anyone know what's the deal with using uncholorinated water in FF? I've seen it specified in a lot of recipes. Have to admit I use tap water (which is city water, even though we are out in the boonies), so it's not uncholorinated. Am I doing something wrong?
I go away for a week at a time and still feed FF....you don't need a chicken sitter at all.  You can leave FF in a feed trough the same as you can a bucket.  ;)
Okay- you have to tell me the secret of leaving chickens for a week at a time. This is one of the few downsides to chicken keeping as I see it. Have to be home to take care of the chickens. Thanks in advance!!

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