Fertile eggs at the grocery store? ****Picture Added Page 4****

When we were working on my son's science project we opened and looked for fertile dots in MANY dozens from different stores and different labels trying to check for fertility. We also incubated some.
We were surprised to find that Whole Foods brand had no fertile sized dots at all! False labeling on the ones we purchased and opened. All the others that were labeled fertile did indeed have between 50% to about 75% fertile dots on the eggs we opened. If you find that yours from Whole Foods develop I would love to know. Maybe we will try again. It was a really fun project.
Here is a thread with way too much info about it.
Keep us informed. Can't wait to see if you hatch some and what they look like.

What color were the eggs? Brown or white?

We actually have a Safeway store here that sells green eggs!
Yes there are people that believe you should eat foods that are whole so to speak, to them a fertile egg is complete whereas an infertile egg is considered to be inferior.

I do not neccesarily agree or disagree. I do for a totally unknown reason prefer that my eggs are fertile. I dont really believe they are better for me or better tasting, I just prefer it for some reason
So, stupid question here. What breeds do you think they are using? And, since they are 'commercial' hens, could I expect any progeny to be excellent producers?. Just for grins and giggles, I want to locate a fresh batch of these store eggs and try it. I love to hatch. Why not? Now, where to find a Whole Foods store close by.......
We have a Hy-Line from our white Trader Joes eggs from what we can tell. To be specific, I think she is a Hy-Line W 36 because she is much more docile than my other chickens, including my Buff Orpington, and the W 36 is supposed to be docile. She is about full grown at 3 lbs. and looks like a Leghorn. She is the only one we kept so I can't tell you if her disposition is the same with all the other chicks.

We had one from a brown egg that was white with dark brownish spots here and there. He came out of an egg from a box packed by Chino Valley Ranchers here in California. We didn't keep him so I can't tell you how he turned out. He was a male and went to a farm.

Here is a link the different hybrids Hy-Line produces. Apparently they are one of the top supplier of chicks for commercially sold eggs.

YEAH!!! your right, lol
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This is all very interesting! The eggs I got are a rich brown color. I'm candling tonight so I'll update later. I figure they will have to be excellent layers, if any hatch.
I haven't seen any fertile ones in our stores here, cause then you know I'd have to try it!
But last week I did hatch out 26 out of 29 Buff Orp eggs that had been in the fridge a week or two. My husband bought them to eat, but I stole them when he went to bed and put them in my incubator! Yay!! for me!

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