Fertile Quail Eggs - How long to leave them?


Free Ranging
8 Years
Mar 20, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone! So my babies are finally laying and I was wondering what is the longest I can wait before incubating the eggs? I’m trying to get a decent amount that way I can do a large batch.
Usually you wait until the hens have been laying for awhile so the eggs are full sized for healthier chicks.
Eggs can be kept for hatch at 60 degrees for about a week.
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I wouldn't incubate eggs more than a week old if I can help it. Older eggs may still hatch, but the fresher the better.

Don't set the first eggs that your hens lay. I would wait a couple of weeks before starting to collect.
Ugh! Fine. I’m impatient and was kinda egg-cited (lol) to start. If it will have healthier chicks though then I will wait :)!

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