Final check before I sell him/her: Roo or Pullet?

I was thinking that behavior is just a "guy" thing.. my little boys always do it tho I haven't noticed it in girls. I read about a "hat trick:" Don't know if its true but throw a soft hat down by them and see their reaction. Cockerels will brave up and advance on it and pullets supposedly will cower. Dont know if true though.
I have 2 almost 4 week old Marans at the moment. I believe one to be a roo one to be a pullet. I will try to get a pic of them both and post it so you can compare.
To Tslaven I just wanted to express my deepest sympathies on your little baby, I too did the same thing you can see the whole sordid story in the emergencies forum. So did another member and I can see we are not alone. My little Sammy survived against all odds even being the runt and stepped on. To this day I still have guilt tho. You didn't mean to and like when losing a child you have to remember the good times more than dwell on the bad. Best wishes to you and yours and know that your not alone :)
To Tslaven I just wanted to express my deepest sympathies on your little baby, I too did the same thing you can see the whole sordid story in the emergencies forum. So did another member and I can see we are not alone. My little Sammy survived against all odds even being the runt and stepped on. To this day I still have guilt tho. You didn't mean to and like when losing a child you have to remember the good times more than dwell on the bad. Best wishes to you and yours and know that your not alone :)
Here comes the pics!
First, we have my bird in question, the Black/Copper Maran at about 1 month old.

She is looking very Roo in this picture, with her comb all lit up, but I will continue to call her a female until I know for sure :)

Here is a detail where you can see the shape of the feathers coming in: consistent shape all over.
And now, you can compare with my other girls: (which is a bit difficult to see) But their feathers are consistent shapes, wide and flat on the tip.

Now another picture of her, body profile. You can see that her tail looks the same as the other females at this point, and also the bright copper feathers coming in around her neck:

And now for the close-ups:

In that last one, you can see the beginning of the waddle (which, after looking at the parents of this bird, confirmed neither male or female just yet, as they both have them). And last, but not least, a leg thickness comparison with another breed female. This was one of the most hopeful points of comparison, for when I did this same thing with my one male and my mystery bird, the male definitely had more masculine features, thicker legs and wider toes than my mystery lady. Here, you can see that their bone structures are developing similarly. My lavendar, a female, is the biggest bird at the moment (but, she might just be fluffier :)

And last but not least, all of my "ladies" basking in the sun after busily exploring, flapping and eating.

As of now, no unusual sounds, and still some flapping and challenging of the others (although I should note that one of my female Buff Americanas has stepped up to the plate as the most aggressive, and they all do this from time to time).
Thanks, all!
Compared to my two (who I am thinking may both be roos
) The comb looks redder, but the tail is a bit bigger than the one I was sure was a girl till the last couple of days, and a lot beigger than the other ones. I think you may have more copper feathers, but mine are a marin mix of breeds, so that means nothing really.

I really hope we have girls, but my hope is fading.
OH me too! I'm hoping to be able to tell soon, but if not, I'll keep posting updates from time to time. Good luck, Chillin'!
If I remember, I will take some pictures myself. We brought them in to compare against your update, and one has a smaller comb than your baby, the others is around the same size.

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