Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..." are late for everything because you have to change after visiting the chicks.
Your avatar is adorable!!!!
....When other people have to go to the feed store for you , because theyre afraid your gonna come home with more chickens
....When you keep looking up any kind of chicken videos on youtube no matter what breed the'yre about and watch for hours
~when your soon-to-be-sister-in-law gets you a whole chicken themed present
~when you go out to your hens in the pouring rain to give them their treat ball
~when you would rather read about chickens than Lord of the Rings
~when your Mom always knows where you are if you're not inside (outside with the hens!)
~when you would rather have chickens than dogs. Same entertainment, less maintenance, and they pay you back! :D

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