Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When wearing my "Barbara" tee shirt and going to the post office with a chicken item to mail to a fellow chicken friend and then going to the Farmers market and buying a metal chicken lawn ornament. No I am not the crazy chicken lady
wink.png customize your travel route so that you can drive by places that you know have chickens. Even if it means you drive 30 miles out of the way.
you bring them in at night, to sleep in a dog crate, in your kitchen! ( We lost one hen to a hawk,
so we put my flower shop mannequin out by the pen and two huge stuffed dogs in chairs. That
worked, but then an owl got a second one, after dark (we hadn't had time to built a coop). They
were so traumatized they came running to us. So, we started bringing them in at night. In two
days, they were waiting by the screen door for us to bring them in. Tonight, we went out to get
them and they were waiting for us outside the door to the kitchen. I opened the door, they
marched in, in single file and went into the crate, all on their own! I have a huge airline crate for
a big dog and we were going to paint it barn red and it has a heavy duty grill front door, so they
could sleep in it and be safe. I think now, we will just put it in the pet room where our 7 parrots
sleep and just let them sleep in there...what's a few more birds...right?
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