Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you sing songs to your chickens and get their attention, then snap the camera before they run away from my terrible voice.

When I go out every hour and yell, "HEY GURLIES!!!!!!!!!!! how ya doing, chicks?" and give each one a cuddle.
When i'm constantly scanning CL for coops, pens or new chickens to add to our flock.
When I hear a hawk and run outside yelling, "GET! SHOO!!!!!!! GET OUTTA HERE!", and quickly the neighbors look out their windows and watch me sispiciously.
When often the chickens "knock" at the backdoor and want to come in.... and who can say no to a chicken?
When the chickens overpower me when I have a sandwich in my hand and will litterally beg for it.
When I am constantly on this forum, checking out new posts and making new posts.
When I talk on the phone to relatives or friends, they ask, "Whats new?" and every time, my answer is, "Guess what the chickens did this week?....."
When I open the fridge and scan the shelves for anything for the girls.
When I sit in the window for several minutes and watch chicken TV and think, "Maybe if I sell the TV, I could afford to buy a chicken coop..."
When you put your house of fifteen years up for sale, during a bad housing market, to buy a house with sixteen acres for all your chickens and critters- after a new neighbor had complained about the noise of crowing roosters.....

when you refuse to sell any of your chickens for meat.... Even the Roos, and you have 300 chickens.....

When your feed bill is almost another mortgage payment

When you do not go anywhere as no one else could care for that many animals....

You have house chickens
When you put your house of fifteen years up for sale, during a bad housing market, to buy a house with sixteen acres for all your chickens and critters- after a new neighbor had complained about the noise of crowing roosters.....

when you refuse to sell any of your chickens for meat.... Even the Roos, and you have 300 chickens.....

When your feed bill is almost another mortgage payment

When you do not go anywhere as no one else could care for that many animals....

You have house chickens

oh sooo true. luv your babies. need a new costume photo
When your front porch and decks are covered with chicken poop.
When you don't care that your front porch and decks are covered with chicken poop.
This is SO me! I keep a drywall spatula handy to scrape off the railing now and then, especially if I want to drink a cup of coffee out there and need a place to rest my elbows whilst watching Chicken TV in the front yard.
You drive you family crazy with your "chicken talk"

You are constantly checking on your girls

Your have been crowned the "chicken lady" or "chicken king"

Someone mentions that you are addicted to raising backyard chickens........


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