Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

I asked my DH, jokingly, where did we get this child of ours and child (6yo) replies "Mommy hatched me!"
That's Adorable! Little kids are so cute
When you give the chickens the last banana for their treat instead of putting it in your husband's lunch.
When you walk down the road with a bucket looking for edible weeds for your chickens.
You drool when you see one but do not have one

You go to the feed store a lot just to see their little chickies

Everyone at school knows you're chicken crazy

You yell at everyone about chickens

You randomly check hatchery availability even though you know you won't be able to get any

If you could get them, you would have at least 100

You wear chicken shirts

Your budgies argue about who would be the first to meet the future chickens

You become a magic birdie!

You look up chickens on google or wikipedia

You are constantly planning coops...

...And picking out chicken breeds

You watch chickens on Youtube

You spend at least 3 hours on BYC every day

You wait 113 days...

... and counted down for the day you get your chicks...

....just to be told you can't have them

You have dreams about chickies

You go to animal shelters just to see their chickens

That's me at least.

WOW we are exactly the same except for the shirt one.
when you come inside for dinner at 11:00pm and everyone asks where have you been and you reply "CHICKENS".
When everything you eat you save at least more than half for you hens
When consider turning into a hen
When you cry (inside) When there is a hen you cannot possibly get

When you are board by every conversation that doesn't include chickens.
when the TV or Computer is boring unless chickens are involved.
When the dinner table subject always turns to chickens after about 5 seconds
When you buy yourself a chicken for your birthday (or even other peoples birthdays and then say "ill look after her for you)

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