Firearms in States/Provinces/Countries where they are outlawed....

If it isn't your country, why do you feel the need to attack their way of living? Frankly, I'd rather have Canada's stance on guns but I am aware that, on this board especially, I am in the minority. Considering their violent crime rate is less than ours, maybe their way is working pretty well for them.

Where did I attack their way of life, if it works for them and they are happy so be it. But Canada is Canada and the poster I copied and pasted clearly showed a contradiction. On one hand they claimed to be more relaxed, and freedom has not been taken away. On the other the poster posts about anger towards people who have guns. It seems to me there is much fear and mistrust in Canada if they do not trust their citizens to be responsible to the point of banning a tool. That tool cannot harm anyone on it's own, it has no mind, no motor control of itself, it is a tool that can only cause harm at the hands of a person. In this case it would be a Canadian that is not trusted by the government or other Canadians to handle or own such a tool. I hardly call this relaxed or freedom.
Canadian here. I own guns and enjoy shooting.

I think there are some really good points here about gun laws. As far as letting our rights to own guns be taken away, I didn't vote the party in that did the damage to our guns laws and is taking the steps to do more damage. I vote for and support the party that is trying to reverse the damage done.
How did this party get into office? we had a conservative voter split between two conservative parties, and strong support for the liberal party in the more populated areas of the country.

I have my application in to get my restricted license, Why?
-So I can grandfather my ownership of handguns if they become illegal.
-So I can fight back if I am ever attacked by intruders or government (who is to stop a bad government if the people can't? Police? Military?)
-And handguns are a blast to shoot.

It was said that we Canadians are the fearful ones, I disagree. I think it is those who live in cities that are fearful, they don't see the use of guns in their neighborhood, so why should anyone have guns? If no one has a gun then the neighborhood is safe, WRONG.

But I do see the fear that is felt in the USA, my Wife has family in the States, I see that they live in fear of someone breaking into their homes, they all have guns. It is a different mentality down there, and I think it makes a dangerous society when people have fear and guns.

As far as the stats about ours being a safer country, look at it per-capita, and at it as city vs. country.

We have security and locked up guns, You have guns and insecurity, Which is better?

I was told at the course for getting a handgun license that we can defend our homes, but don't shoot them in the back and shoot to kill. But it is hard when I have to lock my gun in one cabinet and the ammo in another.

I also agree that as people we should be able to defend ourselves, not sit and allow ourselves to become victims while we wait for the police who probably won't show up until its too late. We need to be proactive about defending ourselves, and let the police take care of the aftermath (it would make their job easier, just have to pick the criminal up (just because I have a gun doesn't mean I have to shoot)).
All you have to do to get a "license" in NY is apply. It's like a driver's license. If you are a convicted felon, have a history of mental problems, a current restraining order, etc., you can't get a license.

Geez, in Maryland, to be considered an adult, for hunting, you have to be 13 years old. In other words, to hunt, when younger than that, you must be accompanied by an adult. When I was 16, I'd take my brother (12) deer, dove and groundhog hunting. I was considered an adult. I guess NY does not consider anyone an adult, except the state.
On the other the poster posts about anger towards people who have guns.

Reads like you misunderstood my comment.

Not anger, it is breaking the law in Canada.
It against the law to carry a concealed loaded or un-loaded handgun in Canada. It states that right at the Canada/USA border crossing and firearms must be declared.

Considerable contradiction there doncha think?
If the US tourist did not declare he was carrying a firearm (in his case, a loaded 357) under the driver's seat of his RV and then he reached to get it what do you expect the Border Guards to think?

Firearms are not banned in Canada. Some are restricted.
We own firearms (and handguns) my husband is a sharp-shooter and we belong to the gun club. We are not anti-gun.

Somebody wanted to know the difference between the US and Canadian ideas on firearms. I posted what the majority of Canadians think. I also said neither country was wrong or right, it just is what it is. No criticism, just different.

Out of all the non-US BYC members only three chose to post something on this topic. I wonder why? Lets hear a British opinion.
We have instant check here with no priors I buy a handgun / long gun in about 15-20 minutes at a hardware store. From a private individual it does not take that long. Legally
Somebody wanted to know the difference between the US and Canadian ideas on firearms. I posted what the majority of Canadians think. I also said neither country was wrong or right, it just is what it is. No criticism, just different.

Actually that was not all what the OP asked when he posted this thread, and there were some very snarky remarks that I did not pull from the post I took two quotes from. I could care less what Canada does and what there restrictions are at the border. I don't travel to Canada have no plans to, and have met several that have traveled here. Kinda why I have no intention of ever going to Canada. I like my freedom, I love my country as I am sure you do too, and I am insulted when someone from outside the US THINKS they know what is best for us here in the States.

I still contend that it is a big contradiction that Canada is relaxed with freedom when they do not trust their inhabitants. Guns harm no one EVER. People with guns harm other people, so the problem is not ever guns but people. So a Canadian carrying a concealed weapon is not trusted by their government in my eyes. That is some sort of freedom...
Very well stated. Now, where are the Brits? And I know there are a few Ausies here. I've heard many conflicting stories about Australia and gun control. Please, some one down under enlighten us.
I too would like to know what the laws are in Australia, watching Steve Lee's music video "I like guns" makes it look like its freer then we have been told.
not getting involved in the debate about gun regulations etc, personally I've only ever seen guns used for hunting purposes here in the UK. Yes, there are criminals who have illegal ones, but I've never seen one, including when I lived in a not-nice area of London.

My brother has a shotgun license for hunting. When not being taken out for that purpose, he has to keep them in a secure solid metal gun cabinet, which is screwed to the wall. I'm not sure, but I think he has to keep the ammo in a separate room.
We are allowed to use "reasonable force" to protect our homes and family. Would he shoot someone who was trying to kill his wife? I expect so, but it'd be too much trouble to get the gun etc... he'd be more likely to wallop them with a hammer or something to the head... just as deadly as being shot... probably more so, depending on where he aimed.

it's not reasonable force to shoot someone for entering the home, but he's an ex boxer... I suspect he wouldn't need to shoot them to get his point across about why it was a bad idea.
Most burglars, muggers etc don't have guns here either. Knives, yes, but not guns.

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