First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Arielle, I was considering crossing the black spanish with the BR and blue slate to see if I could get birds that grow a little faster but I am not interested in the "franken turkeys"
I would think you might have a hard time getting the BBB or BBW to breed? Not sure but I know it is an issue with the meat birds on the chicken side of the house. I do remember my dad saying that once you start getting over 20lbs on bird size you are getting a higher bone to meat ratio. This is not based on any data I have just what he told me and that is what I go by. Besides, I don't know if it was more because they were fresh or the type of bird but the BR's were much more flavorful than a store bought bird.
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I've decided I'll wait a few more weeks to give one of the BR hens a chance to be a boy, but I think at 4 months she has to be old enough to sex, right? I'm still too new to turkeys.

I'd originally wanted Spanish Blacks, and still would, but I didn't get any of those to hatch. I like the personality of the Reds WAAAAAAYYY better than the Royal Palms, who hiss at me and act like I'm going to hurt them. I've raised them all the same, but the RP seem to be far dumber. The Reds are affectionate and follow me around. I'm surprised they're so different.
My reds are pretty affectionate, too, more than I'd expect. They let me get really close and follow me around, and don't freak out too badly when I touch them, if I'm gentle and don't sneak up on them. But, they're really, really, incredibly stupid. I have a couple of really stupid chickens too, but the turkeys take the prize.
Renee my BR's are pretty friendly too. In fact all three types I have right now are much like SCG's. They don't quite follow me around like a dog (unless I have the treat bucket) but they don't run away from me in a panic or hiss at me. I would actually say that the black spanish are the boldest about not moving if I am walking around doing chores.
Arielle, I was considering crossing the black spanish with the BR and blue slate to see if I could get birds that grow a little faster but I am not interested in the "franken turkeys"
I would think you might have a hard time getting the BBB or BBW to breed? Not sure but I know it is an issue with the meat birds on the chicken side of the house. I do remember my dad saying that once you start getting over 20lbs on bird size you are getting a higher bone to meat ratio. This is not based on any data I have just what he told me and that is what I go by. Besides, I don't know if it was more because they were fresh or the type of bird but the BR's were much more flavorful than a store bought bird.
Your dad is right that there is a break point at which more feed is needed for each pound of gain. Perhaps this is part of what he was talking about. The BBB is a smaller bird than the BBW by weight. I cannot find information on the difference in %breast meat. I did look for info last summer on the BBW and BBB for use in a cross breeding program and I found a number of people who do it; the key is to slow the growth of the hens by reducing their feed and increasing their activity level. I would use the hens for breeding and eat the males. THe BBB and BBW are very feed efficient, making more meat for every pound of grain; definitely NOT designed for free ranging to get a high portion of their feed.

Sweet grass turkeys are a sport from a BBB flock a few years ago; some breeders reduced the breast size for natural mating abilities. Some lines are still a bit larger in the breast area; my guess is that if left to natural breeding the breast size will decrease to a sustainable level.

THis is all based on my limited experience and research and many years of breeding horses and sheep.
Well besides the one RP that I hatched, I bought a group of poults from Porter's. I lost two first thing, but ended up with 14 turkeys, a combo of RP & Slates.

They are all the friendliest things. You have to wade through them when you enter their pen. We recently moved them to a larger pen, and I just wanted in and picked them up two at a time. They are already quite big. As I caught them, I carried two but passed four to my DH to carry each time (fuller arms, less trips, LOL)

My first turkey EVER was the first BR hen, and she follows me all over the yard, BARKING at me!! What is that about? None of the others do that!
Okay, now this is interesting. I ended up with a pair of RP's, and barking is the word I've used to describe my hen too, but everyone else I've mentioned it to just looks at me blankly. It started when I let them out of the turkey pen for the first time to mingle with the chickens. She made a sound that sounded like she was congested. I thought she must have a cold, penned them back and administered Duramycin. While in the pen, I rarely heard it but every time I let her out, I'd start hearing this sound from her again. After awhile, figuring the Duramycin wasn't working, I wondered what to try next but in looking at her I realized it was not on the inhale I was hearing the sound. Instead it seemed like a deliberate effort on her part - kind of a cough, cough, bark, bark sound. I had a friend over the other day and asked what she thought, and she agreed it sounds like the hen is making the noise on purpose. She doesn't look ill, has no discharge, and it isn't on the inhale, so I finally decided to quit worrying about it.

Two days later I read this and hear you referring to your hen as barking too. So does my description sound like what you are hearing?

I like the personality of the Reds WAAAAAAYYY better than the Royal Palms, who hiss at me and act like I'm going to hurt them. I've raised them all the same, but the RP seem to be far dumber. The Reds are affectionate and follow me around. I'm surprised they're so different.
Oh, did you have to say that? My pair of RP's is my total experience with turkeys, and I'm enjoying them so much. I smile just looking out the window and seeing them out there, and when I'm there and hear the male gobble or see him display, I am so chuffed. But you're telling me other breeds are even better? I will say mine are not affectionate at all. They don't like to be handled but do follow me around (staying a couple feet from me), and interact with me pretty well since they know the routine. Although they are now fully integrated with my flock and sleep in the coop at night, they still like to return to their pen in the morning and evening to get some gamebird feed, and are really so easy. I open the door of the pen, they run in, I close it. When they're done eating, I open it again, they run out, I close it. So although I can't just walk up and pick them up, I find them pretty easy to deal with. I've never had them hiss at me - I didn't even know they made a hissing sound.

I've entertained thoughts of adding another breed of turkey next year and also plan to incubate some of my own turkey eggs in the spring, even if the hen is broody, since I figure the broody raised poults won't be easy to handle compared to brooder raised. What I think is going to be difficult is processing them to eat. I didn't plan on liking them so much.....
It has been a crazy summer and I have many pages to read to catch up but wanted to post an update on my turkey hen that was mauled by the raccoon. She has made a complete recovery, you would never know she was hurt 4.5 months ago, thank you again everyone for the advice and encouragement
We had to sprint to catch her to take the after pics. One of the poults that hatched from her 3 surviving eggs made it and has beautiful coloring.



She's the royal palm/calico looking one (took this pic with my phone out the window after it rained, not the best)

Her poult... really hoping it's a hen, so far looks and sounds like one

A family wants to buy a couple young hens to add their group. I look and look and boy I have a hard time telling which are girls and boys. Not 100% sure. I think I will band them blue and pink and see if I am right.

I have mostly BR, and those that I have spent more time with as poults are the friendliest. DH was pushing me this morning to put the three muskateers in the freezer. I really wish he would mention the cckls that need to go. But I know he is really after taking them to the butcher rather than doing them ourselves. He will eat them but he won't do the first step. Guess it will be up to me. Which means I"ll skip the three muskateers!

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