First batch of eggs ever starting today!

I want to be a hatch buddy! :D This is my first time incubating.
I set 22 Cochin (some are Cochin/Orpington) this past thursday. I candled them today and 12 are growing very nicely and have distinct veins, the others I am not sure about. I had a temperature spike to 107 the other night for a good 2-4 hours so maybe the others got fried :(. I'm so excited to have little chicks!!
I'll join in too! Set 23 BLRW last night. Having trouble regulating the incubator- it varies from 99-102 and won't stay consistent.
Me me me! I started 6 Silkie Showgirls and 16 Araucana on Thursday, so day 5 will be Tuesday. I feel like I have already made so many mistakes... I don't have high hopes, but I'll live vicariously through you guys if yours go well! Fingers crossed! Just to vent, my incubator has been SOOO steady for a week before I even set the eggs, and since Thursday, but tonight I looked and it was 102.4!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck?!?!?!?!?!?! Like I said, not high hopes...
Wait - someone who also set on thursday can see veins already?!?!? I can't! The Araucana eggs are very hard to see into, though. Oh man now I am even more worried.
Ma, don't worry, those blue or green eggs are hard to see through..have to wait until around the 7th day to really see anything, then, it gets hard to see anything again..gets dark in

And who said they set BLRW? I did too...last night..I have three different breeds I'm hatching..the BLRW were set just hrs. behind the other two breeds, trying to decide if I want to lock down all of them at once..will have to see how far along the BLRW look when it's time...

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I am hatching buff orpingtons. I had some temperature issues but the temp seems to have settled now to somewhere between 99 and 100 (that's all I can tell with my thermometer). Seems to me about right. I was thinking of candling but I didn't think they would be ready since I just put them in on Thursday. I'm going to candle tomorrow and see what they look like. It's a far more exciting experience than I was expecting to be honest. I dont have an automatic turner so I'm just making do with egg cartons and pieces of wood to turn them but hopefully that will work. I've got 23 in there (one is cracked and another broke on its way to my place). Looking forward to seeing the chicks!
I only started seeing veins this morning, I checked late yesterday afternoon and didn't see much. My eggs are a nice brown and I used an extremely high powered LED flashlight.

Here's a few pictures I just took. They were set 1:30pm this past thursday.

Last edited: didn't put the cracked and broken egg in the bator did you? If you did, they need to be taken out right away..will have a horrible issue of infection of other eggs, if not all of them!
Maybe I read that wrong? If you didn't put them in, sorry..

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