First Broody Hen in Winter??

You think we hatch eggs for monetary gain? Bwa-ha-ha!

Straight-runs at TSC can go for fifty cents apiece if you go at the right time--far less than letting a hen go broody will cost in eggs and feed! And if my hens are low in feed in winter--then I, as an animal owner, have a serious problem.

Nope, I'm a hobby-putterer, and I'm willing to bet the OP is as well. I just like watching a hen run around with chicks.
I let a broody hatch in frigid weather, separated her in the coop.
Was PITA keeping liquid/frozen water swapped out.
Got very lucky that hatch day was 38F.
Chick would bop around in single digit temps,
mama kept them warm, but I think feet were damaged from slight frostbite.
100% hatch, 6 of 7 survived(one was crushed(?) under her).
Yeah, it was fine, but wouldn't do it again.
It seems to me that having chicks in winter is not a natural process for chickens or any other birds or animals because there are so many problems with cold weather, not enough food etc. I have just three chickens more for the fun of having them and the perk of their eggs but I suppose if it is for monetary gain its different.

Yeah we definitely aren’t doing it for monetary gain... just love chickens. And yeah it’s not very cheap when you count in feed and every other fancy thing they might need lol! Especially if you’re buying organic food! We find it worth it because we love our chickens and eggs though. If we do it we want to make sure everyone is warm enough and healthy... chickens happiness is our priority. Brooding in winter does seem odd to me... but if she wants to and we can keep her healthy and warm while doing it, we will.
I also breed and hatch for my own injoyment. I do get overzealous and between my broody hens and my incubators I had to get rid of about 60 or 70 chickens within in the past 3 months before winter set in.. By the time you get through feeding not to mention the work equipment you can't break even. LOL won't do that again!!!
Also, I thought it seemed unnatural, but I guess in some form it’s natural if she decides to do it on her own! It seems odd to me a spitzy would be the one to go broody... but hey, first time for everything!

I do definitely think she’s broody cuz she didn’t get on the roost with the rest of them just now for the night.. I put food and water in front of her though and she ate and drank so I guess that’s did!
Sorry, didnt mean to upset anyone. Its enough for me to worry about my three when they are out in The pouring rain all day, then have to go to bed wet when the temperatures are going to go down to 1c overnight. They spent most of today under the table on my covered terrace, for some reason they will not go under cover in their run but prefer the freedom of the garden, and my terrace leaving a right pooy mess for me to clean up tomorrow. I dont know how I would cope with baby chicks as well. In spring and summer I would love to have chicks but not in winter, and you are right about costs, what I spend on feed and treats Costs far more than If I was to buy a few eggs each week but they are worth it
Sorry, didnt mean to upset anyone. Its enough for me to worry about my three when they are out in The pouring rain all day, then have to go to bed wet when the temperatures are going to go down to 1c overnight. They spent most of today under the table on my covered terrace, for some reason they will not go under cover in their run but prefer the freedom of the garden, and my terrace leaving a right pooy mess for me to clean up tomorrow. I dont know how I would cope with baby chicks as well. In spring and summer I would love to have chicks but not in winter, and you are right about costs, what I spend on feed and treats Costs far more than If I was to buy a few eggs each week but they are worth it

No you didn’t upset me I just wanted to point out that that’s not the reason we’d do it... I can see your point, but the ones doing it for monetary gain are the big hatcheries and you’d prolly be horrified if you saw how some of them do it! They are definitely a lot of work, but we get compost, they eat ticks, and we get eggs... so to us it evens out even if it doesn’t monetarily.. and because they always brighten your mood! Lol :D
Sorry, didnt mean to upset anyone. Its enough for me to worry about my three when they are out in The pouring rain all day, then have to go to bed wet when the temperatures are going to go down to 1c overnight. They spent most of today under the table on my covered terrace, for some reason they will not go under cover in their run but prefer the freedom of the garden, and my terrace leaving a right pooy mess for me to clean up tomorrow. I dont know how I would cope with baby chicks as well. In spring and summer I would love to have chicks but not in winter, and you are right about costs, what I spend on feed and treats Costs far more than If I was to buy a few eggs each week but they are worth it

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