First chicks are HERE!


11 Years
Feb 17, 2013
Aggieland, Texas
Well, two of them ... sigh. We ordered a total of 6 but only the "special breeds" (salmon faverolle and dominique) came today.

And ... dude, trying to photograph baby chicks is hard!!!!

Will introducing the others as they come this month be a bad idea? We are getting two Ameraucanas next week and two Plymouth Barred Rocks the following week. I had planned on starting them all out at the same age, rather than mixing juveniles with babies, but the other breeds aren't hatching (Ideal hatchery) till later. Thoughts?
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a few weeks difference at that age shouldnt be a problem....just watch out for mixing LF and bantams!

ETA SHOULDNT BE A PROBLEM, not should....sorry
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I had 4 chicks that was about 3 1/2 weeks old, and yesterday I added 6 more that are 10 days old, and they are doing just fine. I was so nervous, and I literally watched them just about all day long. My Barred Rock, which I think might be a Roo actually adopted them, its so funny. But they have all been doing just great. But I do have them in a huge area, so they have tons of space. Not sure if that makes a difference.
Well, two of them ... sigh. We ordered a total of 6 but only the "special breeds" (salmon faverolle and dominique) came today.

And ... dude, trying to photograph baby chicks is hard!!!!

Will introducing the others as they come this month be a bad idea? We are getting two Ameraucanas next week and two Plymouth Barred Rocks the following week. I had planned on starting them all out at the same age, rather than mixing juveniles with babies, but the other breeds aren't hatching (Ideal hatchery) till later. Thoughts?

AW! Where did you get them from that they shipped only two?
@ShadowsFIAL -- so sorry I haven't responded sooner.

We ordered from IDEAL but went through one of our local feed stores, who special ordered them for us as part of their big orders.

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