First chicks since childhood!


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10

For the first time since I was a child, I have a tiny flock of chickens. Last weekend, we brought 6- 5 day old Australorps home from the feed store. I had never heard of the breed beforehand, but have found some wonderful information about them.
My husband is no farmer, but even he is enjoying having them with us, here in our livingroom, in a large glass enclosure. I find them infinitely more entertaining than television!
My hope is for a few eggs a day, when they mature.
I am researching recipes for an organic feed mix for when they switch off their baby crumble. I enjoyed the articles I have found here on byc.
Thank you everyone for your input, and for making time to answer all the little questions we new Mums (and Dads) have. Many of mine have been answered by this forum.
Our absolute favorite game, of the moment is Noodlympics! Chasing, rending,and eating cooked spaghetti noodles is their favorite thing in the world!

Brightest Blessings
Rachel'sFlock :

Thanks for the tip, wolftracks!
Can I get those at the feed store? And, can they have them while they are so little?
Thanks again
Bright Blessings

I usually wait a while but if they've already had pasta they should be good.

I either get them at the feedstore or bait shop.​

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