First Egg 3 weeks ago....Nothing Since!


8 Years
Apr 26, 2011
Rocky Point, NC
My silkie laid her first egg 3 weeks ago and nothing since. Is this normal? All my hens, up until this new group of White Silkies, were laying when I got them. So I didn't know if this is the norm.
I would love to go on an egg hunt, but I can't let them out. She and her group of hen friends must stay secure in their coop because the fox and raccoons think they are tasty morsels:oops: Thanks though.
check for a hidden nest in the coop, under something, in the shavings, on the floor. they can be pretty sneaky. 3 weeks is a long time to skip between eggs.

also, make sure no one is eating them. sometimes all you find is a little egg residue and a tiny speck of shell.
Well, I took everything apart today..... no eggs or signs of eaten eggs. I guess she will grace me with another egg when she gets good and ready!!! Thanks for the suggestions.

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