First Egg Countdown

I had the exact same question! Seems like whenever they feel like it is the answer
Going by my Lav Orps who I watch closest... like to lay in late morning NEVER early though
Mostly between 10;30 am or 11 to about 3
Although some of my hens lay in late afternoon or early evening here and there but never really late like bedtime I dont think ever over night for mine as i dont see eggs in the tractor coops . Pretty varied but id say late morning to afternoon is the prime time for mine.
I have a Red Sex Link, a Blue Andalusian and a Brown Leghorn that are almost 23 weeks old. The Red Sex Link squatted for me today and let me pet her and she hasn't let me pet her since she was a baby. I also have a Barred Rock that is about 21 weeks old.

Why do some chickens start laying around 18 weeks and others take so much longer. What is the longest it could take? I'm so eager to start getting eggs.
My first time to have chickens. I live in the city and have built a coop and run in my alley. They are so entertaining! But I want some eggs!!! LOL

Got my first egg yesterday - a small light brown egg. I have 12 pullets and one cockerel, all about 19.5 weeks old - a mixed flock of Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, EE's, and RIR's. I don't know what chicken laid this egg but suspect one of the BA's. The egg was laid in one of the nesting boxes, next to the golf balls. In your experiences, how many eggs does a pullet lay before the eggs become full sized? It's a good feeling to know that all of the hard work in raising chicks and building them a home is finally starting to pay off!
I am wondering when to open their nesting boxes...our first group of girls r 14 weeks and we have 2 each of jersey gianst...buff orpingtons...light brahmas and speckled sussex. We also have 4 one month olds 2 rhode island reds and two black astrulopes
Eyotig, I never did close in my nesting boxes. I have had golf balls in them for the past three weeks and just got my first egg yesterday, at 19.5 weeks. Only had to clean a few poops out of the nesting boxes a couple of times - not a problem at all. I think it is good for the pullets to get used to the nesting boxes ahead of time. Hope this helps.
Congrats on your first egg!
Our first egg was laid yesterday! We were so egg-cited! (LOL) It was from Aretha, our oldest cream legbar pullet. She seemed nervous all day yesterday. In and out of the coop a dozen times. We have 2 nestboxes, both in quiet dark places. She laid it in our sand-box type area next to the perch.
This is the smallest, most perfect, beautiful blue egg I've ever seen. I felt like a proud grandparent.
Just went out to check on the girls and Big Momma was getting in and out of nest and doing a lot of squawking.... I would not say the egg song (I listened to that) but making a lot of noise. Very ansi, up and down out of the box. Maybe today is the day?
Aretha made a ruckus when she was preparing to lay, but made TONS of squawking after she laid and we took it from the coop. We weren't sure if she was mad because we took it, or just hooting about this crazy thing that just happened to her. I had no idea there was an EGG SONG.
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