First Egg Countdown

So my two white leghorns are both laying. One is now laying an egg every day in the nest boxes, after two which were hidden in the garden. The other leghorn always lays her eggs from up on the roosts, so they hit the floor and break. She also lays pretty thin-shelled eggs, and sometimes with no shell at all.
I am sad to see the broken eggs, and I certainly don't want any of the hens eating the remaining egg and developing a taste for more of the same. I do keep a plastic egg in each nest box, but is there any other way to "teach" the roost-layer? Maybe build an outdoor nesting box?
eyotig - as for when to open the nest boxes... I didn't open mine until i saw the first egg. I opened them that evening. The next two eggs were still on the ground, but I put one of the eggs in one of the boxes (which isn't recommended, best to use a "fake egg" but I didn't have one, so I used a "real" egg) - and the next day I had an egg in the nest box. I haven't had any more on the ground... although only 2 of my 5 are laying at this point (23 weeks old today) - they started laying I guess 2 weeks ago... but like us women, I guess everyone starts at slightly different times. But my dad told me to not open the boxes until you see the first egg. You don't want them sleeping in the boxes and getting them all "poopy". :)
eyotig - as for when to open the nest boxes... I didn't open mine until i saw the first egg. I opened them that evening. The next two eggs were still on the ground, but I put one of the eggs in one of the boxes (which isn't recommended, best to use a "fake egg" but I didn't have one, so I used a "real" egg) - and the next day I had an egg in the nest box. I haven't had any more on the ground... although only 2 of my 5 are laying at this point (23 weeks old today) - they started laying I guess 2 weeks ago... but like us women, I guess everyone starts at slightly different times. But my dad told me to not open the boxes until you see the first egg. You don't want them sleeping in the boxes and getting them all "poopy". :)

I'm still waiting on my first egg at 21 weeks. I open my nest boxes occasionally, they come to see me, then get all interested in the nest box and line up to fluff up the nest. I check on them before I put them to bed, and if anyone is in a box, I move them to the roost. They stay on the roost all night. Seems like they are learning that the boxes are not for sleeping in. But once they discovered them by coming to me through them, they were like... "oh, what is that... interesting..." funny, because they've been there all along.
I had 3 of 4 girls laying this morning and I got 3 eggs first thing this morning so I figured we had reached our quota. I went to check the feeders and waterers just now and their was a 4th egg in the nest box! My little girl is now a young lady! :)

I wish I could post a pic but im on my phone and I cant upload phone pics :( I really had to study the 4 eggs from today to figure out who's is who's because not one was funny shaped or tiny or anything! All I can figure is that 1 of them was such a pale brown that it's more of an off-white color. The rest of the ladies lay light brown or slightly pink-tinted light brown eggs. Im so proud of her!!
I had 3 of 4 girls laying this morning and I got 3 eggs first thing this morning so I figured we had reached our quota. I went to check the feeders and waterers just now and their was a 4th egg in the nest box! My little girl is now a young lady!

I wish I could post a pic but im on my phone and I cant upload phone pics
I really had to study the 4 eggs from today to figure out who's is who's because not one was funny shaped or tiny or anything! All I can figure is that 1 of them was such a pale brown that it's more of an off-white color. The rest of the ladies lay light brown or slightly pink-tinted light brown eggs. Im so proud of her!!

Well I got my first egg today!
But I kind of cheated. Yesterday I got a hen from my coworker and she's the one who laid for me. I knew she was already laying (she's about two) but I wasn't sure if the stress from the move, and meeting the other chickens, and meeting the dog would be too much for her and keep her from laying. Nope, she's a champ!
I'm so excited to have an egg even if I had to cheat to get it. Nothing yet from my hand raised chicks, Peep and Nibbles, but I'll be sure to let you all know when that happens. In the mean time, here are some pictures of Frances' egg.

I promise I had more hay than that in the bucket, she must have kicked it all out.

Frances and her egg. :)
Congrats on your first egg!
Our first egg was laid yesterday! We were so egg-cited! (LOL) It was from Aretha, our oldest cream legbar pullet. She seemed nervous all day yesterday. In and out of the coop a dozen times. We have 2 nestboxes, both in quiet dark places. She laid it in our sand-box type area next to the perch.
This is the smallest, most perfect, beautiful blue egg I've ever seen. I felt like a proud grandparent.
Congrats! My Cream Legbar laid small eggs for a week, then supersized them.

Just went out to check on the girls and Big Momma was getting in and out of nest and doing a lot of squawking.... I would not say the egg song (I listened to that) but making a lot of noise. Very ansi, up and down out of the box. Maybe today is the day?
Yes, pacing and being very vocal = you should have an egg today.

Our first egg from out RSL 17/18 Wks..... Yea!
Aaaaah, I see you got it! Congrats!

Well I got my first egg today!
But I kind of cheated. Yesterday I got a hen from my coworker and she's the one who laid for me. I knew she was already laying (she's about two) but I wasn't sure if the stress from the move, and meeting the other chickens, and meeting the dog would be too much for her and keep her from laying. Nope, she's a champ!
I'm so excited to have an egg even if I had to cheat to get it. Nothing yet from my hand raised chicks, Peep and Nibbles, but I'll be sure to let you all know when that happens. In the mean time, here are some pictures of Frances' egg.

I promise I had more hay than that in the bucket, she must have kicked it all out.

Frances and her egg. :)
Congrats, but that egg was already in progress of being made, so don't be surprised if she misses a few days now.
Okay, thanks! I was wanting to worm her but I don't if she is laying (I don't want to wait any longer for eggs! lol). So if she stops I'll go ahead and worm her. :)

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