First Egg Countdown


I love the very beautiful black and white EE turned out to be a roo. I think he looked masculine from the beginning, even when we thought he was a pullet we named it hawk. That was what the markings looked like. I was mad only because I only got 2 EEs and now I will only get one blue/green egg.
I can hardly wait for that pretty egg to show up.

You can always hatch out your own next yr since you have a hen and a roo. That is what I am going to do I hope.

I live in the city, small city, but city none the less. Roos are illegal. I took him to a friend and traded a hen. She was very excited to have a roo. Within a week he got in the way of one of the older hens she has, a mean one, and he was killed. He was beautiful. At least I still have pictures of him.
EE's are usually pretty easy to sex from about 7 weeks of age. Post a side body shot of the bird standing on the ground and a comb picture with it's age in the Gender section and a bunch of us can confirm sex for you.

You can always hatch out your own next yr since you have a hen and a roo. That is what I am going to do I hope.

I live in the city, small city, but city none the less. Roos are illegal. I took him to a friend and traded a hen. She was very excited to have a roo. Within a week he got in the way of one of the older hens she has, a mean one, and he was killed. He was beautiful. At least I still have pictures of him.

aw, I'm sorry that you lost him
, but you're right: it's awesome that you have pics of him!

And I agree with Happy Chooks, EE's have very gender-specific color patterns. You could even post a pic of your bird here, and we'd be willing to take a crack at it. I promise not to throw a fit about off-topic meandering since I'm the queen of it.
Hi First Egg Countdown

My Hatchery Rhode Island Reds have started Laying! They are 18 weeks old today. One has been laying since Monday. This morning she kind of growled at me when I checked the egg box. It was funny.

Three of my Black Australorps are laying now. They are 24 Weeks old. It's kind of funny to have them start laying at the same time as the RIR hens.

So I have two more BA's and two more RIR's to go!

Grats Ron!!

Whew, that's a lot of birds starting all at once. Also, I'm glad Im not the only one who gets growled at when I interrupt egg-time
Hello All! Our pullets are finally laying!
We got our first three eggs on Friday! When I went to check the hen boxes Friday morning and found our first egg the first thought that crossed my mind was one of the ceramic eggs shrunk!
We now have 13 in the fridge and half of them will be our supper tonight! Can't wait to taste them!
Yay grats!! You have 13? Wow how many hens did you get this spring? And here I was impressed when my girls reached 4 a day!
she did it!!! after pulling her from the hedge 2 times today and getting tired of fighting the branches to get to her, I figured she was laying and or going to so back to the coop she went. well here is our first ever in this life time for us and egg

so tiny and yet so perfect! it was broke, but we opened it so you all can see the yolk.. the other egg in the bowl is a fresh egg we get from another chicken keeper. look how orange mine is!!




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