First Egg Countdown


Eeeeek! Ok now who done it!? 1. I would say this is very large for a pullet! I have 4 girls squatting-3 red stars and one barred rock. Barred rock has reddest combs. Based on color and size what'd ya think? :) and 2. Found on coop floor and NOT in nest box!!!! I have never seen them check out nest boxes ????!!!!! I hope they have not been laying during free range!

Weighed it-61 grams!
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Eeeeek! Ok now who done it!? 1. I would say this is very large for a pullet! I have 4 girls squatting-3 red stars and one barred rock. Barred rock has reddest combs. Based on color and size what'd ya think?
and 2. Found on coop floor and NOT in nest box!!!! I have never seen them check out nest boxes ????!!!!! I hope they have not been laying during free range!

Weighed it-61 grams!
That looks too dark for a BR egg. Theirs are more pinky tan. My bet would be a Red Star.

My first egg was 54g, second 38g, and third 41g. 15 pullets 18 weeks old, these are the first eggs. Is this to be expected, smaller eggs at first and then gradually larger?
I don't weigh my eggs, but yes, they start out small and gradually get larger.
That looks too dark for a BR egg. Theirs are more pinky tan. My bet would be a Red Star.

I don't weigh my eggs, but yes, they start out small and gradually get larger.


So, do you all coop the girls up to the run/coop when they first start so they get used to laying in nest boxes?
So, do you all coop the girls up to the run/coop when they first start so they get used to laying in nest boxes?
I wouldn't unless you suspect them laying somewhere else. Most of the time they will return to the coop to lay. (though pullets new to laying may not make it back in time) If you coop them up and change their normal routine, they could stop laying on you.
Here are my 3 EE freeloaders. 6 months and a day now. Think they are close, but told them I am getting the pot out...
Ha ha! Have threatened my Banty's with the pot too! All over 6 months and still nothing lol! Winnie continues to give me an egg every just over 24 hours.i did have me first egg on the counter for a while, admiring it every day! But I just couldn't resist. .......yum yum :-D
My Buff Orpington Blondie just laid her first egg this morning! I was such an amazing thing to see her singing the egg song, going in and out of the boxes, and squatting. I feel like such a proud momma. She's 18 or 19 weeks and the first of our four to lay. I expected the Black Australorp to lay first because she too is squatting but her comb and wattle are much bigger and darker than Blondie's. Blondie's are decent, but still very pink.

Here it is! Perfect, tiny, and so adorable! Decently hard shell. It felt weird eating a pet's egg (I definitely have made them pets), but it was very tasty and flavorful!

And here's the proud girl:

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My Buff Orpington Blondie just laid her first egg this morning! I was such an amazing thing to see her singing the egg song, going in and out of the boxes, and squatting. I feel like such a proud momma. She's 18 or 19 weeks and the first of our four to lay. I expected the Black Australorp to lay first because she too is squatting but her comb and wattle are much bigger and darker than Blondie's. Blondie's are decent, but still very pink.

Here it is! Perfect, tiny, and so adorable! Decently hard shell. It felt weird eating a pet's egg (I definitely have made them pets), but it was very tasty and flavorful!

And here's the proud girl:

I had 2 pullets start up this week too. And one of my hens started back up from her molt. Good times again to have eggs!

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