First Egg Countdown

Im dying laughing. Alice is laying and the littles keep bugging her (bugging her=being alive and within 20'). She goes to shrieking bloody murder and Boot, my rir rooster (22 weeks) goes to cackling and running everyone away from her. Now he keeps going to check on her. Couldnt ask for a better bodyguard!
Im dying laughing. Alice is laying and the littles keep bugging her (bugging her=being alive and within 20'). She goes to shrieking bloody murder and Boot, my rir rooster (22 weeks) goes to cackling and running everyone away from her. Now he keeps going to check on her. Couldnt ask for a better bodyguard!

Today while my EO girl was laying an egg, my little Cream Legbar came in to play in the next boxes. My EO screamed at her like I never heard before and she went scurrying out of there! Serves her right -- that girl has been playing in the nest boxes for weeks and no eggs yet. There has to be a name for a chicken that teases you with all the signs of egg-laying but still leaves the nest empty. Egg-tease, maybe?
So, I was feeding my freeloaders some seeds and reached down to stroke Hecate's feathers. After a moment, she walked over right beside me and crouched down, with her wings out - I believe it was the "Squat!" Also, I noticed Hattie's little pea comb was beginning to redden up.

hoping hoping hoping
Hi everyone! Great thread.

Merry Christmas!

I have 13 Hamburg pullets that are just over 16 weeks old. I know they have a ways to go before they are laying, they don't have combs or wattles to speak of yet and are just now starting to get color in their faces. It's really very exciting to watch them mature from chicks to hens, I never realized how much a person could love chickens before we got ours.

I'm patiently waiting for eggs.
They are pretty close, not much longer.

They are 6 months old. Both of them laid very nice olive eggs. I'll try to get a good picture in a few.

I'd love to see those colored eggs. I have couple 22 week old EE's and I am hoping for colored eggs from them too, but I don't think their ready yet.

Good luck to everyone! and Merry Christmas!
Still no eggs! 23 weeks (hatched July 15th). My husband has been having "talks" with the ladies, to no avail. At least two of them have been squatting for a couple weeks, and many of them poke their heads in the nest boxes, but nothing more. Sigh.

One of my Welsummers squats every time I get near, before I can even reach down to pet her!

First we were hoping for Thanksgiving, then Christmas. Maybe we'll get an egg before 2014? Maybe they're waiting for my birthday at the end of Feb!

Happy Holidays, everyone!
Still no eggs! 23 weeks (hatched July 15th). My husband has been having "talks" with the ladies, to no avail. At least two of them have been squatting for a couple weeks, and many of them poke their heads in the nest boxes, but nothing more. Sigh.

One of my Welsummers squats every time I get near, before I can even reach down to pet her!

First we were hoping for Thanksgiving, then Christmas. Maybe we'll get an egg before 2014? Maybe they're waiting for my birthday at the end of Feb!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

You and I are in the same boat, chicken age and egglessness wise.

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