First Egg Countdown

This is the look I got from one of our pullets when I asked her when she was going to start laying eggs. Lol! She actually has the most developed comb and wattles of all of them, they're 5 months old now.

Our first egg! From our daftest chicken of the lot. Lovely but completely clueless.

it matches the paint on our kitchen wall as close as if we had done it on purpose!

Our chickens seemed to be freaked out by this new development. They stood around saying "wasn't me" while looking at each other with the freaked out open beak expression. I swear I saw our BO Hazel point her wing at Lydia the EE though "fud lady, it was HER!"

Had to share this mystery egg. It's the little white one between my Wyandotte egg and a red grape. It is extremely small. First of all, I have 4 pullets that are 20 weeks old that are New Hampshire crossed with Easter Egger or Silver-Laced Wyandotte. I'm waiting for them to lay their first eggs but totally expecting them to be brown eggs NOT white. I have one white leghorn hen that consistently lays large white eggs. She didn't lay one today, but this dinky egg is definitely not her usual size egg. If it were brown, I would definitely give credit to one of my newbies, so that's why I'm calling it a mystery egg because of color and size.

You never know what you're gonna find in the coop. This was laid in the nest box, too.

So true I agree that you never know what you'll find. Congrats on the eggs though! I'm having trouble figuring out who is laying what now too. We've had 21 eggs in the past 2 days. We went out of town for a day and were loaded with eggs, now I am not quite sure which eggs are from which chicken.

I was so excited today I found a blue/light green egg near the nest boxes this afternoon =) which means one of my lavender Am's has started to lay wish I had a white egg to collect today but here's a Br egg for size. Not the best light either the br egg was my darkest yet.

One of the girls isn't earning her keep
. Cracked it open and laughed when I saw the tiny yoke in there!
Ha, ha, I've had one of those before too. There was no yolk in mine. My White Rock laid it.

This is the look I got from one of our pullets when I asked her when she was going to start laying eggs. Lol! She actually has the most developed comb and wattles of all of them, they're 5 months old now.

Cute chicken!

We have another new layer too. My Salmon Faverolle laid the lower cream colored egg. It looks white until you put it beside a white egg that my brown leghorn laid. It adds another variety to my egg basket.
This is the look I got from one of our pullets when I asked her when she was going to start laying eggs. Lol! She actually has the most developed comb and wattles of all of them, they're 5 months old now.
Would you have your pullet tell miss dotty here to get a move on it as well? Both dotty and her sister lucky have no plans on laying. Lucky gets a freebie though, she survived a hawk attack. She can be a freeloader for life now.
Would you have your pullet tell miss dotty here to get a move on it as well? Both dotty and her sister lucky have no plans on laying. Lucky gets a freebie though, she survived a hawk attack. She can be a freeloader for life now.

She's so cute! I love the SS Hamburgs. They are really great!

They certainly take their sweet time though, don't they?

I originally wanted them for bug control in the summer and eggs, but these days I am having so much fun with them that I forget about that. The anticipation is truly awesome though. Lol!

Edited to add that I'm so happy to know that Lucky survived, she's earned a pass!
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Got my first egg today; it came from one of three RIR hens that I got about a week before Thanksgiving Day. I guess they are going to finally start earning their keep.
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She's so cute! I love the SS Hamburgs. They are really great!

They certainly take their sweet time though, don't they?

I originally wanted them for bug control in the summer and eggs, but these days I am having so much fun with them that I forget about that. The anticipation is truly awesome though. Lol!

Edited to add that I'm so happy to know that Lucky survived, she's earned a pass!
I agree, so animated and colorful. Sadly, they are the hawk target here. Spotty, Dotty's sister (original, I know… but they looked alike so the names were interchangeable) was attacked on Christmas day. There was no saving her. We locked up the girls for 3 days before letting them out again. My SLW Roo saved Lucky from the hawk's return. No more free ranging, which they are pretty upset about. These three were a surprise in my order. I don't expect much out of them, but they are nice to look at. Poor Lucky ended up blind in one eye and has been a bit of a target in the flock since her return. She will move to a small coop with a couple of silkies this summer. Her time in the basement chicken ICU has done wonders for taming her. She now is very friendly :)
I agree, so animated and colorful. Sadly, they are the hawk target here. Spotty, Dotty's sister (original, I know… but they looked alike so the names were interchangeable) was attacked on Christmas day. There was no saving her. We locked up the girls for 3 days before letting them out again. My SLW Roo saved Lucky from the hawk's return. No more free ranging, which they are pretty upset about. These three were a surprise in my order. I don't expect much out of them, but they are nice to look at. Poor Lucky ended up blind in one eye and has been a bit of a target in the flock since her return. She will move to a small coop with a couple of silkies this summer. Her time in the basement chicken ICU has done wonders for taming her. She now is very friendly :)
So sorry you have lost one. We haven't had any issues with hawks here (bobcats for us), but I can see why they would stand out to predators more than some other breeds.

We had one pullet that was scalped by our roo (he was young and a little too excited), so we had her in the house for a while. She comes over and talks to me all the time, it's so cute.

I have actually had several of mine fly up on my shoulder when handing out treats, I about fell over when they did it the first time because they are so flighty and don't like human contact very much. But they do love their sunflower seeds, and as long as I am slow and gentle with them they will hang around with me and let me hand feed them. They really are amazing birds, I'm so glad we chose them.

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