First Egg Countdown

These are my aussies that I think are closest and the EE is a little bit camera shy. The rest of the girls are not as close I think, but what do I know. It seems like the Barred Rocks squat for me even though their combs seem too small and pink.
I have a couple of Barred Rock hens that are 18 weeks, hoping for some eggs before too long. Any guesses on when they might start laying?

This is the first one:

And here is the other:

Your girls sure are purty
I am on the complete opposite end of US weather spectrum, being in NY, and I think weather is affecting my Barred Rock. She is 25 weeks and just today did the 'submissive squat' thing for the first time that I have seen. Of my five June-born hens, only the Aussie is laying. She started last Thursday and so far I have had five eggs from her---tiny, but beautiful! I am hoping the others start soon! So cool to see this thread and be able to share the excitement of the first eggs, isn't it? Good luck to you with your BR's, hopefully yours will start earlier than mine!
my hens have just hit about 5 months old - we got them when they were about six weeks, but being all different breeds their ages are probably slightly different as well. but they've just recently started squatting within the last couple of days, so I think we're approaching the first egg!

all three of them, a few weeks back, chilling out on the roof of their coop. left to right is caesar, the black sex-link, salad, an easter egger ameraucana, and parm, a buff orpington.

caesar earlier today, showing off her comb and waddles.
Yesterday we gained a 3rd layer. Hubby found the egg while I was at work, he said it was white! When I got home it was a definite green! Hubby swears it was white when he found it

My one and only EE has joint the layers!
How many weeks?
Still waiting on my 3 EE pullets (will be 24 weeks tomorrow). I moved them in a pen with my 6 hens 2 weeks ago. The little girls might be a little stressed about that, but one of them did squat for me a week ago. Hoping any day now...
Congrats to all of you on your girls finally laying!
And to all of you still waiting, ugh I know how you feel, but it will come.
Finally, at 28 weeks old,I got my first egg out of a splash Wyandotte! It was the most exciting thing, Im still smiling.

Congrats to all of you on your girls finally laying!
And to all of you still waiting, ugh I know how you feel, but it will come.
Finally, at 28 weeks old,I got my first egg out of a splash Wyandotte! It was the most exciting thing, Im still smiling.
Yay! Pretty girl!

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