First Egg Countdown

I finally got on the computer to upload pictures...he was so excited about it, that he was out first thing this morning looking for another one. We apparently distracted her (the ony one laying) because she came outside to see what we were doing instead of staying in the nest box. We went back out 30 minutes later and sure enough, my daughter got to find our second egg!!! Now hopefully the others will mature fast and we don't have to fight over eggs
Well, the girls (and guys) are 17.5 weeks now, 10 BR and 9 BO (3 Roos)....the roosters (save one, who has traditionally been the late bloomer) are crowing and getting randy with the girls. I suspect I am now on an egg countdown.
Yep, you are certainly on the countdown. From the looks of them, you still have a few more weeks though.
These are my two closest girls. One is a cinnamon queen, the other a welsummer. They are both a little over 18 weeks old. The combs are there and getting bigger, but they aren't squatting and the egg song is very rare. How long do you think they have to go?

Such pretty BR and BO girls you all have. Those are very nice green eggs too! That big egg WAS a double yolker and it was good lol. I love eggs but haven't been able to eat them. Well, as an experiment from something I read recently I scrambled a bunch up yesterday from my own girls, and I didn't have one problem! I keep trying to figure out who the other laying is, but she is pretty sneaky whereas Buffy announces to the world.

Thanks, Lacy is a good sized chickie. And my buff and white EE is a really pretty girl, I sure like her.

Your little boy is precious with that egg and smile! Reminds me of when my granddaughter was 3 and used to collect eggs for us. We lost a good many, but she tried. After we took her down the road and let her get an Emu egg, then Nana's little green eggs weren't all that exciting lol.
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Quote: Okay, you wanna talk chicken dreams! I came home from the dentist last week and was wiped out, I took a nap and dreamt that a Snuffelufagus was stomping out all my chickens!
The after effects of Nitrous I guess.

Anyhow, since I started getting eggs I'm getting about 3 small eggs a day from 7 hens that are old enough 19 1/2 weeks. I have two BO's that won't be old enough for another month or so. So exciting of the girls had an oops moment this morning. I found a cracked egg on the poop board under the roosts. Must have taken her by surprise!
Ugh, I'm so sick of waiting! My girls are 22 and a half weeks and still nothing! Not only am I dreaming about finding eggs, my boyfriend is as well and confessed to me last night that he had considered buying eggs and putting them in the nests so I could find them and stop obsessing!
Haha! My girls looked so mature... I was sure they were going to start weeks ago... Here's a picture from 3 weeks ago:

Sigh... How much longer, ladies?!

How pretty ... I especially like the white one; funny feet, though. What kind of chicken is that?
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Just got my first egg. Fairly sure it came from a Buff Orpington, the dominant of the two of them. 2 days shy of 20 weeks.

They threw me a curve ball. I was expecting a longer wait because it's so hot out. All 4 hens are the same age. I was expecting one of the barred rocks to lay first. It's the most mature looking of them all.

As soon as I opened the nest box to look, the one buff hen ran up inside the coop and started getting upset seeming that I was taking the egg.

I had one fake each in each of the 2 boxes. I removed them now. They seem to know where to go.

Very exciting day.

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Ugh, I'm so sick of waiting! My girls are 22 and a half weeks and still nothing! Not only am I dreaming about finding eggs, my boyfriend is as well and confessed to me last night that he had considered buying eggs and putting them in the nests so I could find them and stop obsessing!
Haha! My girls looked so mature... I was sure they were going to start weeks ago... Here's a picture from 3 weeks ago:

Sigh... How much longer, ladies?!
I'm with you!!! 20 weeks old and no eggs either!!! I love your idea about putting eggs in the nest to find so we quite obsessing! The only thing that makes me feel better is that i read in several books that it is better if the chickens are older when they start laying!!! (yea, maybe for the chickens, but what about us! hahahaha!) Here is a picture of my girls.


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