First Egg Stories?

we just got our first egg today! One of our 2 red sex links is the first of our 6 pullets to lay. She is roughly 17-18 weeks old. And I am pleased as punch to report that she didn't play "hide and go seek my egg", she actually used one of the nest boxes.

I was at work when she laid it, but Ron was home and was the one to find it. He brought the egg in and put it in the fridge. But he didn't want to spoil it for me so he secretly returned it to the nest as soon as I got home. I figured it out quickly what had happened because the egg was very cold and the poor thing had condensation all over it from being put back out in the 98 degree heat! But it was the very sweet thought that counts!


size comparison, it's the wee thing next to the fake eggs!
My husband's cousin (Jay) built my daughter's coop. He did a fabulous job. We all had a painting party when it was finally done. Sadly Jay passed away in a tragic motorcycle accident and it hit all of us so hard. They day of Jay's funeral and burial, my daughter checked the coop. Sure enough the first egg (and a sign we all needed). That evening after services we took the egg to break on the ground at his burial site. That crazy egg would not break after each of us threw it down. So we just cracked it over a stone. Once again a gentle reminder and sign that he continued to joke around with us.
My first girls were not new to the egg laying business like I was. They were over 2 and settled into a routine quickly.
My first egg from a pullet laying a first egg was from my sweet mixed breed girl. She's blond with a dark necklace and feathered legs. Her ears would shine a mint green in the light so I had no idea what color egg I would get. One day I went out to the coop and there in a nest box was a little blush pink fart egg.
Like many others have mentioned I brought it in and took lots of photos to share with everyone who already thought I was a crazy chicken lady. She is a steady layer of pinkish to white eggs. Some are more pink then others. But always in a nest box.
I was also excited by the prospect of my Black Copper Marans laying. One day I found a brownish gritty jello egg in a box. I got several more to varying degrees of shell and color then they took a short break. After that I get lovely grade 4 Maran eggs regularly.
I waited months for my first blue egg! I got 2 Wheaten Americauns late in the season. I thought they would lay in late September early October. Instead I got a surprise on the first of January. A perfect, rather large, blue egg. Soon followed by another slightly greenish egg.
I'm currently waiting on my first Olive Egger to lay. It should be in the next few weeks. Around the same time my little Svart Hona Cochin cross should lay. She is very tiny still so I'm not sure she will lay right away.
After that it will be my very first hatchlings turn! I got 5 Sweidsh Flower Hens. Hopefully they won't hold out till the new year.
It was a nice, warm summer afternoon in the rural parts of Southern Illinois.

My legs were shaking, my sister had a shakiness to her voice. My mom took so many pictures, I did too. To this day we still don't know who layed the egg, though.

Guess what? It wasn't a "fart" egg, either. It had a medium-sized, dark orange yolk.

So for the uneducated new to chickens, what is "a fart egg" ?
IMG_1469.JPG After a couple of weeks following chickens around when they are out free-ranging (making sure there are no hidden nests) I had a dream last night that I woke up to a nestbox full of eggs. Then my daughter comes in telling me she hears an egg song. I go check and no egg. After I get some coffee in me I go to the coop and sit in there, and the white leghorn I suspected would be my first layer is in the nestboxes. I sat there 15 minutes with her just sitting in the box, so I went to get more coffee. About 15 minutes later I went back and when I get to the door, I hear the egg song!! I go in and she is out of the nestboxes! I peak in and sure enough there is an egg!!
It was a summer afternoon and I heard a lot of squawking coming from the coop. I thought, oh, it's just the normal clucking, but then i thought, it's probably nothing, but I'll go check anyway. And there was a blue egg in the nesting box! That day I got two blue eggs, a brown speckled, and a brown, all tiny but beautiful. I took a ton of pictures.
so a few days after our first chickens got settled into their coop I was going to the hardware store to pick up a few things. Before I left I checked the nest box and found spiffy the chicken sitting in it. So I left and when we came back there was an egg in the nest box I went in and practically started shouting "WE'VE GOT AN EGG" and repeated shouting it. The other family members weren't very impressed but by the end of the week they loved the four fresh eggs we were getting every morning.
We actually just got our first egg from our red sex link about two weeks ago...
One night, I went to check on the chickens... made sure their coop was all closed up.. checked on the chickens and counted them.. and then I noticed that instead of perching on top of the nesting boxes (which for some reason they like to do..) Bertha, - my absolute favorite chicken :) - was sitting IN a nesting box.. which was odd... But I thought "maybe its cozier..?" and so I left and went to bed... The next morning, I go to check on them - do my morning routine... and they were fine - checked the nesting boxes... no egg.

Then, later that day, my curiosity was getting to me. I go out and check the chickens again - everything is normal. But then, I go to check the nesting boxes - AND THERES AN EGG. I was so excited I didn't even bother to grab it. I ran to my little Bertha and I was petting her and picking her up and cuddling her - all while practically screaming "IM SO PROUD OF YOU. YOURE A MOMMY" (even though we don't have a roo...) and after about 2 minutes of mauling her with affection, i let her be and gathered my family to come see her egg and take thousands of pictures.

The next day, I got out to their coop to check them a bit later than usual and noticed that i didn't see Bertha, so I check the nesting boxes and there she is. So I come out and wait patiently with the other chickens in their run, and then I hear her song. I was practically in tears. And then some of the others, run up to the coop and stick their heads in the door to see whats going on, and after a few minutes, she comes out and is back to normal.

It was such a great experience and I simply cannot wait until my other chickens start to lay. :D

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