First Egg Stories?

Fart egg , fairy egg is when they lay an abnormal small egg. Sometimes it just has the whites other times its normal inside but very tiny.
Just about every hen I have ever had started out with a "fart egg". However I have almost never had one come out yolkless. They are either miniaturized throughout (tiny yolks) or with a normal sized yolk and almost no albumen ('white').

I remember when I got my frst group of Easter Eggers. All while they were growing I was telling my housemates that they were 'AmERicanas' (pronounced as written), I never used the term Easter Egger, let alone mentioned what color egg they layed. When Muffins produced her first beautifully intensely colored medium green egg the look in their eyes was all I could have hoped for! :eek::lol:
About 30 minutes ago I JUST GOT MY FIRST EGG!!! It's a beautiful pale blue, so I know it's from one of my two Cream Legbars - either "Noodle" or "Beaker". We are new to chickens and have had four 22 week-old started pullets for a couple of weeks along with two year-old Cream Legbars. I was out talking to them and working on getting them used to being handled while bribing them with treats. Meanwhile my hubby checked the nesting boxes... We haven't had any eggs, so I wasn't paying much attention and was busy baby-talking to my girls and petting them. As soon as I turned around and saw his face (he KNEW I would be elated) I accidentally fell back on my butt while squeaky gleefully like a kid. I didn't care if I was in a pile of poo. There it was in his right hand - a beautiful, large, and perfect pale blue egg. I of course got my picture made with it at the coop like I just won a first place trophy!!!!
I just started getting my first eggs about 3 weeks ago. I look forward to it every single day. I believe I have 8 of my 11 chickens laying now. (The other 3 are only 10 weeks old)
First egg story! July 9th just like any other day, I went out to let the girls out for the day. I really wasn't looking or expecting any eggs. As they all were just barely 5 months old. As I opened the tall door, they came running out. I seen something out of the corner of my eye on the ground under the coop house. Our coop is raised up about 3 feet with small outside area, we added more run space twice now. But they are mostly free range. Anyways I turned and looked again, and there it was. Our first egg, large dark brown with specs. I was so excited, I had my phone and snapped a pic to send to my husband. Then I grabbed the egg and ran to the house. I felt like a kid on Easter Sunday finding the prize egg!

I came into the house squealing for my step daughter, and we stood there together admiring this beauty.

That was actually the same day I became a member on this site. I was already using it through google searches for my newbie questions I had.

The awesome part or I think it is. Is that the first and third eggs were double yolks! Not sure how common that is. But to have two double yolks that soon from first time hens and the first eggs... Well I was doing that squealing again. I posted a pic of our first egg on here some where but I will add it here, along with pics of our double yolks..
Found my first egg about a week ago but hadn't had any since. Well this morning I found two. So 2/8 are laying now.

Problem is I've yet to get one that we could eat. First one I handed to my daughter and she smashed it because of the thin shell

Then today one I found was cracked really bad. Looked to me like she layed while roosting and the egg got smashed up from the 5 ft fall.

The other one I found is more concerning. All I found was a shell laying on the ground. Really hoping they haven't developed a taste for eggs.
Found my first egg about a week ago but hadn't had any since. Well this morning I found two. So 2/8 are laying now.

Problem is I've yet to get one that we could eat. First one I handed to my daughter and she smashed it because of the thin shell

Then today one I found was cracked really bad. Looked to me like she layed while roosting and the egg got smashed up from the 5 ft fall.

The other one I found is more concerning. All I found was a shell laying on the ground. Really hoping they haven't developed a taste for eggs.

I can't remember where I read this, but you can try taking an egg, poke a hole in the top and 1 in the bottom, blow the inside out to create a empty egg. Then squirt mustard inside the egg, and put the egg in the coop. Hens Hate Mustard, and it may take several attempts but has worked for others.
I also have a question for any Australorp owners. I know they can be prolific, but are they late starters? I have been using nesting pads and wheat straw. Our first yesterday was in the wheat straw. What else does everyone use that the hens seem to love?

We used a wood shaving/shredded news paper mix. I had one hen who payed on the ground under the coop every time. So we started shredding newspaper and I added that to the nesting box. Along with two golf balls. I tried just the golf balls but that didn't work. Seemed to be the newspaper that did the trick. Also when you clean out your coop, the wood shavings along with the news paper work well for mulch!
It was a long time till our production red hen was laying but I checked the coop everyday (I was new to chickens then). It was such a long time and I eventually gave up thinking she would be 1 year old and still not laying. Then one day my little sisters checked the coop and there was two tiny eggs in there (soft shelled). I was so excited trying to find out who laid them. I did a little investigating and found which bird it was... She has passed away sadly since it was quite long ago. We have more chickens though and some of our chicks have just started laying!:woot
I found my first egg last September. I felt like I waited forever, but in all actuality, it was right on time. One of my Buff Orpingtons, Honey who I wasn't positive was a hen until she squatted for me one day 3 weeks prior, laid it. It was a beautiful, pinkish-brown, perfectly formed medium sized egg, and I immediately took pictures and shared them. I was so proud and relieved! I gave everyone treats to celebrate, and my husband finished up their permanent coop that week. It was so exciting!

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