First Egg Stories?

I was headed home from vacation when my daughter called all excited to tell me my hens couldn’t wait until I got home to lay their first eggs! Out of 4 hens 2 had laid a beautiful brown egg each. Needless to say I was excited but sad too because I didn’t get to collect my very first eggs! The next morning 2 more beautiful eggs which me, my husband and my grandson enjoyed scrambled with pancakes!
Got my first egg this morning! I just put the nesting boxes in last week, so I guess my timing was ok. I don't know which girl laid it, but I can narrow it to two of them (I have 11) because it's white and I only have two white egg layers, both Leghorns.
It's not a big egg by any means, but it is complete and has a good shell. The one on the right is a store-bought large egg.
Our Nankins' first teeny-tiny egg was stashed away in a display cabinet for months ... until it rolled out onto the floor. I swooped it outside before anyone got a chance to get a good whiff ... but 6 months later, our dog is still very interested in that particular floorboard. Ewwww!
Our Nankins' first teeny-tiny egg was stashed away in a display cabinet for months ... until it rolled out onto the floor. I swooped it outside before anyone got a chance to get a good whiff ... but 6 months later, our dog is still very interested in that particular floorboard. Ewwww!
lol! That HAD to of smelled horrible!:lau:sick

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