First Egg!!!!

I got my first eggs at the end of June! I have 4 white leghorns, 3 rhode island reds that are 17 weeks old, and 4 commercial blacks that are 8 weeks old. The one that is laying eggs is one of my leghorns. She started to become very friendly and would hop in my lap and let me pet her. She also started to go off by herself a lot. I thought that she was sick so I was keeping an eye on her! She has laid an egg everyday and clucks very proudly when she sees me! I was not expecting eggs at 17 weeks but we had an extremely heavy amount of cicadas this year and my girls feasted everyday! 2 more of my leggies are acting the same way, so I am expecting them to start laying soon too!
I did crack them right away and have wonderful over easy (small) eggs!!
I still have them on the crumble...and I have younger chicks as well as others that are not laying yet... Do I need the layer feed or grower? I buy my feed from Southern States and they have recommended that I keep the girls on their chick crumble ( medicated) until 18 weeks.... I want to feed them organic feed and I already free range them all day. I have also noticed that a couple of my girls have a runny poop, is this worms? How do I tell?
We got our first egg today, it's a small one but perfect. We have 3 orpingtons and they seems very excited, I almost stepped on them they wouldn't stop crowding around my legs.

I have read somewhere not to eat the first egg, is that really true?

Also I have read to leave one egg in the nesting box everyday, that seems like it has the chance to get cracked that way.
I got my first egg a couple of days ago from my 19 week old Black Aussie......I have not got another since. Is this normal?
I found my first 3 eggs on Saturday and haven't seen any more. I have 3 leghorns and 2 are definitely laying. When should I expect more?
My RIR stayed in the coop all morning today. Now I know why:). First egg at 4 and a half months.

Well this is it, I am the new owner of a new hen. The eggs in the middle are my first eggs laid by one of my new chicks. They are so little but I am really proud. I just need to find out which of the 5 chicks laid them. Soon I have two (2) Americaunas and 1 Easter Egger that will laying pretty quick.. Just had to share with you all. I have one Cuckoo Maran that is almost ready too to lay. I have a black Maran and that is her egg you see (Brown) the other big egg is from my Plymouth Rocks.

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