first green egg hits the deck!


10 Years
Sep 4, 2009
Hunterdon Cty. NJ
Finally, our third girl to lay ( Esther ) our easter egger gave us a nice green egg this morning. Then I dropped it as I was attempting to take a picture.
I've dropped many an egg. I dropped one this morning and had to make scrambled eggs right away. I was lucky; it just cracked a little.
We must be twins. I swear someone could build an entire well stocked hatchery if they could just walk behind me and catch the eggs I drop, tip, roll over the edge, forget in my pocket, and take them home and incubate them. Thanks for sharing your pic! The egg looks VERY BLUE by the way. You must be really happy with your hen, if maybe not so much with yoursef....
The good thing is, there WILL be more... Just won't be another "first" egg...
I've walked out to the coop and forgot the egg basket, so I'll put the eggs in my baggy pants pocket... knowing that I have to be careful.
Then I get distracted and do other stuff, one of the girls will look up at me with pleading eyes, I just can't resist. I bend over to pick her up and CRACK.
I've done that a few times, you'd think I'd learn.
Sounds like we ALL get carried away with these little orbs/

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