First hatch! Mystery eggs!

Candled again tonight, even though I promised myself I wouldn't, because I was freaked out about some temperature problems last night and this morning - it got down to 96 during the night, and then when I tried to fix it it got up to 103 for a little while.

I saw movement in sixteen of the eggs, but I had to cull one of the mystery eggs and three of my own due to red ring - the little casualties appeared to have quit around day seven or eight.

Those mystery eggs were never meant to be hatched, and were pretty dirty when I got them. I figured I would take a chance on them, but could they have infected the good, clean eggs from my own hens?

Starting time: 7:30 PM CDT, May 1 2013
Starting egg count: 24
Current egg count: 16
Days to lockdown: 8
Well, here it is Day 15, and I've managed to curb the temptation to candle for a few days now. I'm planning to wait until just before lockdown before I do it again. I haven't noticed any more problems in the meantime, so I'm hoping for a good turnout from these last 16 eggs. Fingers crossed!

Starting time: 7:30 PM CDT, May 1 2013
Starting egg count: 24
Current egg count: 16
Days to lockdown: 3
Sealed up the vent holes, added a cotton rag for a wick in the water bottle, and now 16 eggs are in lockdown.

I don't think it's a coincidence that I now have that '80's song "The Final Countdown" stuck in my head.
What a day for my internet service to go out for several hours! It's an hour and a half past the 21-day mark right now, and they started pipping about six hours ago! So far four have pipped that I can tell through the window - three made tiny little holes, but one knocked a large chunk of shell off. I'll get some pics up once my service is doing a little better.
Here are pics of the first three:

The left tow on the bottom row have pipped - you can see the bit of membrane showing through on the one on the corner, but the one in the middle is barely visible - it's that little greyish speck on the right.

Holy cow, this little guy knocked a big chunk of shell off!

The fourth one that pipped is on the opposite side, and I can't get a good picture of it because of the lighting. The pip on that one is just a spider crack with a bit of shell pushed outward.
I love your thread and watching your progress! So very exciting!!!! Can't wait to see pics!!
Thanks so much! I doubt I'll be going to sleep tonight, so if my internet stays working I'll be updating as things happen, and posting pics. I duct-taped the lid down to take away the temptation to meddle, but I've been sitting in a kitchen chair next to the incubator for the last six hours, trying to think of ways to keep myself from staring through the window the whole time!
Thanks so much! I doubt I'll be going to sleep tonight, so if my internet stays working I'll be updating as things happen, and posting pics. I duct-taped the lid down to take away the temptation to meddle, but I've been sitting in a kitchen chair next to the incubator for the last six hours, trying to think of ways to keep myself from staring through the window the whole time!

Lol! I can only imagine! I'm only on day two of my first hatch ever and I've been going in and checking every hour or so. Good thing I don't work full time, cause I'd be going CRAZY thinking about my eggs! Lol

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