First Night in coop


Jun 14, 2017
I know my coop is Fort Knox. I'm just having that initial feeling of your children sleeping away from home for the first time lol It's actually a fairly cool night tonight, so that has me worried further, as they are still kinda young. My logical side says everything will be fine, but my overly anxious side has me freaking out lol

I'm not asking any questions. just sharing my psychosis LOL
I have a couple of barred rock pullets that insist on hanging out in the pen, instead of cooping up with the rest. Every single night I have to go get them in the coop after dark. Okay, we have an isolation coop/run inside the pen. In that our newest pullet, Emily, was confined. So night before last, the two barred rocks, and one of my buffs decided to roost on top of the isolation coop...showing solidarity, I suppose, with the lil Emily that had protested her confinement loudly, all day. It was a very muggy night, and hot, so, in sympathy, I allowed the three (buff hen and barred rock pullets) to remain, roosting on top of the isolation coop. Big mistake. The pen is every bit as secure as the coop. But the mistake is that the pen isn't waterproof. At 3:15 am, guess where I was. Out in a thunderstorm, cooping up the sillies that roosted on top of the isolation coop. I live in a remote, forested area. Lightening flashing, rain pouring, wind blowing wildly...all out thunderstorm. Myself, my trusty Trixie (pyrenees) and my 9mm, out in the weather, at least 100 yards down a steep hill, cooping chickens at 3:15. I wont make that mistake again, LOL. But I totally get obsessing over your birds. We work so hard to take good care of them, keep them safe...they are pets, not just chickens. But I'm sure your lil chickens will be fine. If they are feathered out, and have each other for warmth, and the coop is secure...they will be just fine.
I was so sad the first night my girls went out to their coop earlier this week! They were all chirping the special chirp that they use for talking to me. I felt so guilty! Now this morning, I go to let them out, and they're all snuggled super-cute on their roost. I did wake up several times that night thinking I heard them. The wild birds at 4am had me thinking I was hearing my girls screaming for help! No good sleep was had that night ;)
Today their new home flooded. I got out there to find them in a corner on top of one of the nesting boxes. They were petrified. I luckily still had the brooder set up in my house, so back in there they went until we can clean the coop out, raise it up, and get more shavings. these poor things have had a rough life!
I am having the same feelings tonight! My 9 week old chicks went into the run today for the first time. I caught all 13 and put them in the coop tonight and closed them in. But they don't seem to know what the roosts are for! I put several up on it. I will be gladly surprised if they are all on the roost in the morning. Here's my Ft Knox coop and run. I have an automatic door coming and I hope they get the idea of coming in by themselves before it comes.


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Nice Fort Knox!!

I'm feeling like mine will be also but only with hardware cloth for now. Wish mine could move this weekend as they are getting so big. Coop's not done-- nonstop working on in it this weekend except for having to mow the grass.

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