First roo?


Feb 7, 2020
I've kept a flock for about 3 years. So far, magically, all the chicks I've brought home have turned into hens. I'm pretty sure I have my first roo. But never having had one before... Confirmation? I'm not sure on the breed. I brought in a variety this round. It's about 4 months, same age as the white ones, give or take a week.

He's very handsome
I have had more roos then I wanted
Brahma, duccle bantam, brahma bantam, silkie, polish, barred rock

The only 2 I had an issue with was my porcelain booted duccle bantam
He was so terrible I had to rehome
He would attack me every second I was outside
He was my first roo

I did have a mille fleur duccle bantam too he could be a little aggressive at times

My buff branham bantam was very aggressive.when he was small, however..
His flock got attacked by a racoon one night and him and Miller fluer d'uccle was the only survivors.
His eye got injured and he was very nervous and my ducks would also bully him so he got aggressive to the point she he would grab hold of my hand and try to pull my skin right off
I rehomed my ducks, worked with jinx and he became my best bud and super sweet and became totally docile

All the others I still have
Polish, hes pretty chill but is indeed the king of the flock
My light brahma standard, sweet cuddly but likes to go after my feet as soon as I open the coop and will sometimes peck at my hand

One of my silkie roos he rather a little jerk
Not aggressive to people but other chickens sometimes though none of them let's him get away with it

My other 2 silkie roos one is super sweet and the other loves cuddles but he is on the bottom of the totem pole and gets nervous

My experience the smaller the roo the more of a jerk they are lol
Through I know that's not true
But I have had 5 roos together for a year without issues

Good luck with your sweet looking guy
Roos are great. Especially if you are going to hatch chicks. They are also great at watching for predators and keeping the girls in line. You will enjoy watching him interact with the flock. Yesterday I tossed some treats out the girls, they came running and missed where I tossed it. Toby (my Maran roo) slowly walked up to the food and clucked a few times then the whole flock of 13 came running to him.

I have raised a few roos and there personalities are very different. I have had some mean to the girls attacking them and eating all the food, some who are just mean to me or my kids, and some that are so darn skittish that they dont protect anything. Toby is a great rooster. You cant pick him up or pet him but he gives people there space, I can hold hens in front of him. He looks at me but wont attack. He will eat treats from my hand then puts them down for the ladies. So cool when he sees something in the sky and sounds the call. Every chicken goes running for shelter.

Good luck with your EE boy, have fun watching.
He's a roo and very beautiful at that. Congratulations! I love roosters and the nice ones get to stay here as pets. I've had very good luck with backyard mixes and large breeds. Not so much with bantams. My parents did have an easter egger roo that was a total gentleman. His name was Chip, I think.

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