First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!


Can EEs be barred like a barred rock? For the last two days I have been getting 4 blue green eggs in the nests. I only have 3 EEs. Two of the eggs are small like a new layer's egg. I have two barred pulletts from the rescues that look like a barred rock with a rose or pea comb. They did not have green legs really.

So, what do my Bar & Grill Peeps think on this? Is my new laying EE laying me two eggs each day, or is one (or both) of my barred pullets actually an EE too?
I thought so too but I saw somewhere that if it has a pea comb or maybe a rose comb that it has the blue egg gene so you get green or blue eggs. It wouldn't be a first time they gave wrong information lol .
Please refer to "toppers" in the proper term, "redneck chicken coop" or "redneck tractor" or 'redneck brooder". I find them to be the most versatile coop ever designed. I actually check craigslist and look for them setting by the edge of the road for sale or preferably free!

BTW your egg production is fantastic!

Bert considers one of the toppers as his "bachelor pad".

I don't have an insulated one, you're so lucky.

We only have 3-4 toppers now we have to get rid of some cuz they got busted. They are great as they stay super warm when it is below zero.

I was impressed with there production considering that not all our hens were picked for laying. Our little Cochin bantams are better than our standard Cochin.

Our CornishX finds toppers as her little kingdom also.
I don't know Jessica. I was thinking Dominique with the barred birds but I may be wrong. Can you get pics??
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We got three and a half dozen eggs today and am selling eight dozen tomorrow. Which equals $20 so that is about 2 bags of feed.
I asked Jessica's question in a EE thread I go to regularly.

The thought of barred chickens laying colored eggs excites me. I like barred birds, always have, but I like the colored eggs. Also my rocks are just naturally friendly, something most my EE are not.. Matter of fact, one growled at me last night when I pet her while locking the coop.. Truthfully she growled while I was bent over collecting eggs and she was on the roost close to were I my head was. Maybe she just does not like me.

I find it so funny when a chicken growls, like they are big bad dog.

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