First Snow!!!! :D


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
This morning it snowed for the first time up here in Maine (at least where I am, anyway).
It could have been a 2nd snowfall since we got a quick one a few weeks ago, but I don't count it as being an actual snowfall because it was all rain with some slushy clumps of slush that melted before it hit the ground.
But today it covered the ground bareky (could still see grass) and it snowed for most of the early morning, then turned to rain/slush as it got warmer out, which washed away what was left of the snow on the ground from this morning.
Then it was barely snowing this afternoon.

Yay! The first real snowfall!!!!!
I'm pretty excited because I LOVE the holiday seasons; Yes it's crazy but I'm listening to Christmas music right now on my laptop. When it snows, it reminds me of how close Thanksgiving, my birthday, all the family gatherings, and Christmas are.
I don't like the cold really, and I'm regretting when it's all frozen and nasty outside, but I still like it when it snows!!!
I love snow too! Yes, it's annoying sometimes, but since the choices are, "Oh look it's snowing, I'm miserable."
or, "Oh look! It's snowing! Isn't it pretty and festive?"
I'll take the second since being miserable won't make it stop snowing, and complaining only makes everyone miserable too.
Get some hot cocoa and enjoy! Or some cross country skis, love that too.
I love the snow too, but not where I live. People don't know what to do or how to drive in it, and the cities don't plow the roads and its just a big mess. I like the snow when I live in an area where people know how to handle it. *tip* If you still have summer tires, try NOT driving in the snow? Ever thought of that, people??

Right now its balmy as a spring day and windy enough to rattle the house.
Hey there neighbor! We had our first snow dusting this morning too! I was quite suprised, and then quite amused watching my chickens experience their first snow experience!
People have told me they don't understand how someone can love a chicken, but any animal that can make me laugh as much as my chickens do is definately lovable in my book!!
I also love watching our chickens when they first experience snow. Although they're at my dad's house so I didn't get to see them when it snowed.

Looks like it will snow soon again! It's really cold out!
I don't know, I hear it may reach 60 this weekend! If it does I'm certainly going to take advantage and clean the coop out really well before winter really gets here.
What part of Maine are you in? I'm in the central/southern area.

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