First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Kekstrom, we don't know yet. We got them from a lady who had ordered 50 mix hens and we bought a dozen that she didn't need. We are waiting to find out. What are your thoughts?

If you check McMurray Hatchery's website, they have pictures of "4 Week Olds" under their Juvenile Birds section... and there are some pics of Barred Rocks from day old through 4 weeks.... they are pretty similar to yours there. They don't have as great pics of their older Dominiques. But I bet you could search here on BYC for some pics and compare. :)
Well, the replacement chicks from the total loss last month were put into the hands of the USPS yesterday afternoon. Nevermind me, I'll just be obsessively refreshing the tracking info every few minutes until they arrive...

Anyone have thoughts on when to transition chicks off of medicated chick starter? Mine have been on it a week. I started them on it, because the place I got them said they weren't vaccinated. All 4 are thriving so far. I bought unmedicated regular chick starter today. Thanks!
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Unfortunately the issue last time was at the other end of the flight or I might have!

Well.... Did they arrive? How are they?
Pics please.
First feild trip to the coop! 3 weeks old. Days only for now (still have locks to add) Its high 50s low 60s outside and high 60s in the coop. They love it:)


Well.... Did they arrive?  How are they?  :clap Pics please.  

They haven't been scanned into the main facility in STL yet...coming from California, so I don't expect to get a call until o'dark:30 tomorrow. I just want to make sure they don't hang around in CA for three days again!

Got some salmon faverolles and blue/black silkie companions for them. What are the odds of running into those breeds at the farm store (went in for a feeder) when I just cancelled my May MPC order yesterday that had them on it? Well, I'll tell you it was fate that I have those breeds! ;)

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