In the Brooder
I do this too. Up on bricks, and then when they get older, I stack it two bricks high. They can sure kick back a lot of stuff and it goes flying. 2 bricks high prevents most messes now, but occasionally they still manage to kick it all around. I also don't use pine shavings, so maybe that helps. I use pure wood pellets as their bedding.
I made the bucket with horizontal nipples for my older chicks and when they moved out to the coop, I decided to leave it in the brooder with the new batch of chicks. At four days old they had figured out how to drink from it! (Probably because they had filled up the other waterer with wood pellets and had no water left to drink!) I was amazed they figured it out so quickly. Now I have a 5 gallon in the coop and a one gallon in the brooder and all are doing great!