First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

My babies are growing up....the Silkies are 18 weeks old and the Orpingtons are 22 weeks old......AND WE GOT OUR FIRST EGG TODAY!!!! I'm overwhelmed.



Mary Ann








And the beautiful gift

I think Ginger was the busy little girl...

Skipper is quite the handsome roo!

I do too. The pictures are from last week, and Mary Ann is bright red now too....But Ginger has been red longer. Mary Ann was making a nest in the ferns today, I think they'll both be laying soon.

The girls think he's the bees knees
One of my girls laid her first egg over a week ago. We have received 3 from her in a matter of 5 days. She has not laid any since!! The first two were in the coop. Then we got the nesting boxes in and her third was in a box. We have looked around in the places that they like to lay, under bushes, in dirt near the house, etc and we haven't found any. Does anyone have insight for me?
One of my girls laid her first egg over a week ago. We have received 3 from her in a matter of 5 days. She has not laid any since!! The first two were in the coop. Then we got the nesting boxes in and her third was in a box. We have looked around in the places that they like to lay, under bushes, in dirt near the house, etc and we haven't found any. Does anyone have insight for me?
Sure. Relax. They ain't Pez dispensers and take a few days off here and there.
It takes a while for all the glitches in a brand new system to work out anyway, but even after that rare is the hen who lays daily. You're doing great - she's doing great, so it's all good!!
Awwww they are all gorgeous ♡ the BO look like ours do:) 2 will be 16wks on Wednesday. So we both must be doing something right;)
Congrats on the egg, bet you can't wait for more now.
Any idea how to keep a chicken from flying the coop? I'm babysitting my neighbors flock and the little black hen keeps jumping the far she hasn't wandered out in the street but I'm worried

Got my first two eggs today! The white egg is store bought, for size comparison. I know one of them is from my 17wk old Speckled Sussex (she has been "squatting" for me the last several days) but the other is a mystery!

Can't wait to check again tomorrow to see if there are any more surprises!

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