First Time Chicken Hatcher!! Need Advice for Raising Chicks With Broody Hens

One of the cutest things to witness. Oh! If the first baby hatches, it will also encourage the second!
The chicks can definitely encourage eggs to hatch. My last hatch, I had an egg that was behind by a day and a half. Other chicks had hatched and were in the brooder and this egg was still in the incubator. It had internally pipped and started peeping really loudly and the chicks in the brooder heard it screaming. Then all of the chicks were looking through my see through brooder toward the incubator, all of them calling to this egg all day long! :lol: After it hatched it was desperately pacing to get to the brooder with all its siblings. When I finally put this last chick in the brooder, the other chicks all crowded it and snuggled it. It was SO cute! ❤
The chicks can definitely encourage eggs to hatch. My last hatch, I had an egg that was behind by a day and a half. Other chicks had hatched and were in the brooder and this egg was still in the incubator. It had internally pipped and started peeping really loudly and the chicks in the brooder heard it screaming. Then all of the chicks were looking through my see through brooder toward the incubator, all of them calling to this egg all day long! :lol: After it hatched it was desperately pacing to get to the brooder with all its siblings. When I finally put this last chick in the brooder, the other chicks all crowded it and snuggled it. It was SO cute! ❤

Oh my gosh, this is so heartwarming! What happened to that little fighter, what did you name him/her?
Oh my gosh, this is so heartwarming! What happened to that little fighter, what did you name him/her?
"Pearl", a Black Australorp!


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