First time dealing with a Broody hen

General recommendation is wait for them to stay set for about 3 nights before giving them eggs, to ensure they want to sit. Don't remove her from the nest box and put her out if you actually want her to sit though. She'll come out when she wants. Otherwise you're trying to break her.

Can broodies affect things in a flock, yes, because she may be warning off layers that get too close to her chosen box, and her behavior may seem odd or upsetting to some of the other girls because it's different than normal.
I have a similar situation.I have 7 layers and one rooster. They all use the same location to lay and take turns throughout the day. One of my hens acted broody a few days ago, but then left the nest in the corner of the coop. Two days later, she moved back into the nest and has been there for over two days and nights. The other hens are unable to get back there in the corner and I can't find but one or two eggs in the other nesting boxes. I know the rooster has been doing his job as I have 4 new chickens I got with an incubator late in the winter. Should I just let the broody hen alone? I am going to check some of the other outbuildings to see if the other hens are laying somewhere else. With the incubator it was just shy of 3 weeks before they hatched. I am guessing it will be the same for the broody hen if she stays on the eggs?
I have a similar situation.I have 7 layers and one rooster. They all use the same location to lay and take turns throughout the day. One of my hens acted broody a few days ago, but then left the nest in the corner of the coop. Two days later, she moved back into the nest and has been there for over two days and nights. The other hens are unable to get back there in the corner and I can't find but one or two eggs in the other nesting boxes. I know the rooster has been doing his job as I have 4 new chickens I got with an incubator late in the winter. Should I just let the broody hen alone? I am going to check some of the other outbuildings to see if the other hens are laying somewhere else. With the incubator it was just shy of 3 weeks before they hatched. I am guessing it will be the same for the broody hen if she stays on the eggs?
I would leave her alone if her chosen location seems acceptable for her to sit and raise chicks in. Mark the eggs so you don't get a staggered hatch from other birds adding to the location.

I think average incubation for chickens is 21 days?
I would leave her alone if her chosen location seems acceptable for her to sit and raise chicks in. Mark the eggs so you don't get a staggered hatch from other birds adding to the location.

I think average incubation for chickens is 21 days?
Thanks for the advice. I talked with a friend with a lot of experience. He suggested maybe putting a box or some kind of nesting area adjacent to where the hen is. I did notice an egg next to yesterday, but she seems to have incorporated it into her cache. I just can't seem to catch her off the eggs. I will try to mark them as soon as I can. I still haven[t found where the others are laying They are free range so I just keep looking. I did ad some other carboard boxes with shavings in places in the coop where they laid eggs before. Thanks for everyone's help. If she does get off the nest, I was contemplating putting the eggs in the incubator. I doubt they would be good to eat and thought I might get lucky.

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