First time Hatcher


Feb 28, 2016
Golden Valley AZ
:celebrate:celebrate Good Morning, today finds me sitting at day 21, the chicks have been on lock down since the 18th, I am not sure exactly what a hatch rate means, but if it's how many chicks come out of their shells and say hello to the world, right now I guess I am sitting at about a 60 to 80, I started with 6 eggs, currently have 4 in the brooder. Not sure but think I saw one of the remaining eggs wiggling, which is how I knew we were at least getting one. so now to wait and see, God was smiling at me, because I didn't expect to get any with the way my humidity levels bounced around. Their egg sacs didn't look like they were the right size when I put them in lock down. :jumpy:jumpy Thank you for all the wonderful posts they've been a source of information.
Thank you, I'm not sure what it was that I managed to do right, but I put 6 eggs to incubate on the 1st and so far 5 have hatched and all seem to be doing well, the latest was just tonight.

Do you have a picture of the new little ones? That would be fun to see!
Do you have a picture of the new little ones? That would be fun to see!
I will be taking some better one's than what I have now and will need to figure out how to post them. Lol, do not ask me how, but I've managed to get a 100% hatch, egg number 6 hatched sometime between 1 AM and 430 this morning. They are spread out over three days. The first 5 are in the brooder and doing well, I haven't taken # 6 out of the incubator yet. I did get to get video of # 5 hatching out, I had notice that he'd started working his way out, grabbed my phone and sat there for the next 20 mins recording..

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