First time hatching duck eggs

he was born and doing great.. My husband loves them too, just not as much as I do...
But we are making them there own coop this weekend... If its nice enough tomorrow I will take them to the yard tomorrow to do some running around for just a short time..
Congratulations!!!! I have enjoyed reading I have a little bantam hen sitting on three duck eggs....we candled them tonight and you cant see thru the egg anymore....if my calculation is right they should be do some time next week.....this will be the second batch of eggs for my hen...last time it was chicks that she hatched....I really hope I have the same luck as you....I dont think my hen will be big enough to keep three ducklings warm....we will see and I cant intervene if I need to....
for more babies for you.....I hope I atleast get one if not all three of mine
YAY... Its so exciting to see it happening and to see that they will be adopted Mommas... I have decided that I am going to wait till spring to do more hatching and I am going to get some chicken eggs as well in the spring.. I am down to 3 chickens and want more..
Miss Lydia. I will get those pics today.. I promise!!
YAY... Its so exciting to see it happening and to see that they will be adopted Mommas... I have decided that I am going to wait till spring to do more hatching and I am going to get some chicken eggs as well in the spring.. I am down to 3 chickens and want more..
Miss Lydia. I will get those pics today.. I promise!!

How about the rest of the eggs? anymore ready to hatch?
Yes 2 have internally piped, as of yesterday and the other 4 are very close.. For some reason my count was wrong. I have 14 all When I am changing out there box and putting them in a bigger one I will get pics..
Boy are you gonna have your hands full, are you keeping them all? Now that you are mama duck, and I know how that feels but I only had 1 duckling, it will be hard to part with them.
Following this thread. I am so happy things are going well.

I think this chicken is doing a great job for her first time...with all the disturbances I am shocked she is still sitting. I bet her next hatch she will even raise the chicks.

Good Luck and get those pics up!!!!
Ok, as promised here are pics of all 8 babies... Hope they turned out well.. Its funny because looking at there bills and feet I can name in what order they were hatched, my husband says they all look alike but I know the difference in them..


They are beautiful!!!!! You and the hen have done a great job. I'm absolutely amazed that she's still sitting too. She's done so well to bri g them all to hatching stage.

Congratulations on your gorgeous babies!!

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