First Time Raising Chickens (Any Help Appreciated)

Wow, This chicken farming is hard work. As I said before I used some old vinyl decking I had laying around. Finally able to put it to good use. I also have a plan for around the run so no varmits can get under it. This is so much fun. Glad I decided on raising chickens.

Wow, This chicken farming is hard work. As I said before I used some old vinyl decking I had laying around. Finally able to put it to good use. I also have a plan for around the run so no varmits can get under it. This is so much fun. Glad I decided on raising chickens.

Nice job.

It looks like you got some winter weather there also. Where are you?
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Northern West Virginia, Funny earlier in the week it was in the 60's. Now in the 20's and 3 inches of snow. How about you?
Northern West Virginia, Funny earlier in the week it was in the 60's. Now in the 20's and 3 inches of snow. How about you?

Well, we had an ice storm Thursday night here in North Texas. Everything has a thick coating of ice on it. Today (Saturday) there are some snow flurries in the area.

I am not sure when it will melt. Looking at the weather forecast, it looks like it may melt next weekend.

This is a rare thing for this area.
Putting finishing touches on coop and run before I move chickens outside.Added 1 inch vinyl to top, another safety feature.

Added An apron of rocks with wire below to keep varmits out.
Still have to screw 2x4s on right side of gate.Raised roost above nests

Backside view.
Poop boards
Great job!!! Have you thought about putting a ramp inside so your chickens can get up and down from the roost easier?
I'll take a picture of our chickens roost this afternoon and post it. We have one ramp that is in the middle. I've thought about one on each end but with only 4
chickens right now I think the one in the middle is fine. How many chickens do you have?
I would change the roosts to a 2x2 or even better a tree branch with a diameter of 2-3 inches. I have found that using 2x4's and other wide lumber can cause leg problems. Some people will claim that you need them so that the hens can cover their toes when it is cold, when on smaller roosts chickens can still cover their toes just as well if not better. Smaller roosts that chickens can wrap their feet around are also more natural. I have had a coop that offers 2x4 roosts, 2x2 roosts and tree branches and most hens have gone for the branch, followed by the 2x2 and the 2x4 was only ever used by new introductions that hadn't integrated yet. Finally chickens have wings, they will be well able to jump up onto that roost.
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