First Turkeys, Bourbon Reds


11 Years
Jun 7, 2008
Scappoose Oregon
After 3 yrs of begging I fianlly broke down and got my husband turkeys. Honestly it was because my local feedstore owner gave me a great deal on 3 bourbon reds that were really healthy. So far so good, had them about 5 days and they are eating their heads off. I was worried about 1 at first, but now all 3 are running the brooder together and seem to be interchangeable in energy level.

I had them on chick starter supplemented with hard boiled egg for the first 3 days until the feedstore got in another load of game bird starter. They don't seem to happy to not be getting their boiled egg twice a day and were yelling at me last night.

Fingers crossed they stay healthy!
I've banned my husband from naming them, but I think he's done it anyway. Oh well, he can tell everyone the thanksgiving meals name.
That's great! We're getting our first turkeys- also bourbon reds next week so we can compare notes!
We've got a pair of bourbon reds along with three other pairs (three other breeds) one of our bourbon reds is really a bully. he/she keeps taking food from other poult's mouths. Not cool. Sure hope it gets out of his system quickly.
How is everyones Bourbon Reds doing? I also just got poults, 5 Bourbon Reds they are about 2 1/2weeks old and they are super cute. But so far only one is ok with people the other 4 run when they see us coming. I really hope they warm up. Today is only day 3 since we bought them. Ill hhandle them lots and make them love me<3 ANy other tips to make them not scared is welcome. Any treats I can offer them maybe?
Mine are doing great! They are 2 months old now and super friendly. They fly out of their fence and follow me all over the yard. For some reason our chicken killing dog hasn't bothered the turkeys at all, and they've been flying the coop for a month or so! We started with 16 and lost one poult right away, and haven't had any problems since then. They're in with my meat chickens which will all be gone by this weekend.
Mine are doing great! They are 2 months old now and super friendly. They fly out of their fence and follow me all over the yard. For some reason our chicken killing dog hasn't bothered the turkeys at all, and they've been flying the coop for a month or so! We started with 16 and lost one poult right away, and haven't had any problems since then. They're in with my meat chickens which will all be gone by this weekend.

Good to hear. At 2 months old are you getting ideas on the sexes? Mine are 4 1/2ish weeks and I think I can pin point one boy for sure and 2 girls for sure 2 im have no clue. But of course they are young so I could be way wrong on all of them. Im assuming i may have to wait til 2-3 months of age to figure them out.
I have a few females I can pick out, but for the most part I have trouble telling just yet. The boys are starting to get bigger than the girls, so maybe not too much longer till I can tell a difference on all of them.
Have any of your turkeys started strutting yet? I've been raising heritage turkeys for a few years now and my male poults start strutting at a very early age. I think the earliest was 3 or 4 weeks. Its hilarious to see these little babies trying to puff themselves up. Have fun with your turkeys!
yup I have one that struts so far, he started last week at about 4 1/2 weeks old. Though people say both male and female do stut.

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